General Build arounds and seeding

I'm considering experimenting with seeding build around cards in the first pack so that they aren't wasted in pack 3. What cards are commonly run that you would consider build arounds?

For clarity, I'm thinking cards that almost have to be picked early to be useful, such as Wildfire, Birthing Pod off the top of my head.
That's an interesting idea! Let's see... absolute build-arounds in my cube:

...and not much else. Huh. I don't have as many buildarounds as I thought! This actually makes me really happy. :D
I started doing something similar to this a while back. I started splitting the whole cube into two sets, to be drafted XYY. (though you don't necessarily have to keep them completely unmixed) Build around cards in set 1. Shocks in set 1, Fetches in set 2, I think. Things like that. Never actually got to play it that way, though.
I started doing something similar to this a while back. I started splitting the whole cube into two sets, to be drafted XYY. (though you don't necessarily have to keep them completely unmixed) Build around cards in set 1. Shocks in set 1, Fetches in set 2, I think. Things like that. Never actually got to play it that way, though.

I would LOVE if you decided to initiate a testing-draft with it and came back to us with feedback!

I want to test it too but my community decided against it. Maybe I’ll overrule them ;)
This is not what we decided against, Velrun, I'm all for this! What we were discussing, as far as my memmory serves, was cutting a color, which had a major no-vote. That said, i might definently be wrong.
But yeah, seading in different ways can make the draft dynamic. It doesn't just to have be build arounds. You could have the last pack have all the fixing, so people don't start out picking fetches, if that's what you think is for the best (probably not, but some skewing of fixing towards the last pack might be an upside). Likewise, sideboard cards are best in the last pack when you know if you can afford to pick up sideboard choices.
This is not what we decided against, Velrun, I'm all for this! What we were discussing, as far as my memmory serves, was cutting a color, which had a major no-vote. That said, i might definently be wrong.
But yeah, seading in different ways can make the draft dynamic. It doesn't just to have be build arounds. You could have the last pack have all the fixing, so people don't start out picking fetches, if that's what you think is for the best (probably not, but some skewing of fixing towards the last pack might be an upside). Likewise, sideboard cards are best in the last pack when you know if you can afford to pick up sideboard choices.

You/we did vote on it more than a year ago and it was a no, sadly. You can still find the voting in the group. The temporarily cutting a color was also voted on but much more recently.

Do you think we should try it out next time with just a few cards such as Wildfire and the likes?

I like that idea! Dividing the cards into groups that gets drafted in P1, P2 and P3. What other categories can we think of besides build-around and mana-fixing?
This is still an interesting idea! I do something similar with retail drafting sets, where I have 5 of each common in one stack, 4 of each uncommon, and then 1 of each rare/mythic, and then a I create boosters with similar distribution to retail. You don't end up seeing the whole set in a draft, like in retail, but there is still a retail-ish asfan for fundamental cards.

It's easy to sort afterwards because of the rarity symbols, and I expect you would want to implement something like that for this idea, too. Maybe stickers on inner sleeves.
Could you argue why, please?

And would you put it in pack 1, 2 or 3?

It works as a 4+ cc mid-range or control deck. I think it would feel close to a wildfire deck with more creatures. Throw this in pack 1 and go after the evoke creatures and anything with high value.

I could see wanting to go after vampiric tutor and demonic to guarantee it reaches your hand, and worrying less about mana rocks other than for fixing.