General Cards you regret adding to your cube

Not all cards we add to our cubes work as well as we think they will. Sometimes they are too powerful or too centralizing while others, they simply don't work in an actual deck. Which cards have you regretted adding to your cube than you thought would be great but simply weren't?

The balanced version of this card is only available in Korean. I thought it would be fun and interesting and almost was but its just.. so pushed.
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The card just ended the game every time it hit the battlefield.

I added this to an older cube design that I had it spawned a combo deck that went 3-0 and took 15 minute turns. We didn't cube for six months afterwards.
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Ecstatic Orb
What’s the balanced Korean Ashiok?



Ecstatic Orb

Turns out, if you don't run a combo-centric cube, giving up a blue card and paying five mana are both too steep a cost to counter stuff. Definitely not worth the investment :)
For anyone looking for a free counter fitting a more fair environment. I'd recommend Daze.

On topic:

Was only in for a few drafts, but it made the sacrifice deck super hard to beat and was not even really fun, because it felt so wrong. Against the rare (almost) creatures control deck it was useless, every other deck couldn't beat it at all.

Chris Taylor

I feel bad, but

This whole deck is just so hard to balance. And endless stream of 2/1s really hurts control, nobody else wants any of the cards this deck wants, the gulf between powerful sac outlets and horrible ones is huge, it's difficult to branch this out to a 3rd color in a convincing way, and, well

It's also the only interesting thing blacks ever done.*

*someones going to say reanimator, and respectfully, no. Drafting has a hard enough time supporting an A+B combo deck, reanimator is an A+B+C combo deck that also loses to bounce spells in addition to all the regular things. Good luck.

It's a shame because he's one of my favorite planeswalker cards ever, but he doesn't quite slot into the decks that I envision him being put into. I love using him as a control finisher that you plop onto the field after dealing with your opponent's side of the board, but the typical drafter will just slot him into any non-aggressive deck playing White and he'll just dominate matches no matter what. The last time I featured him in my cube he was part of some Naya Walkers mess that was just a midrange slugfest of value and it was disgusting. I'll still occasionally bring him back for a test run every now and then, but I'll swap him out not long after. I guess it's fine to throw my drafters a bone every once in a while.

Cards that can only be used effectively in one type of deck aren't very good for overall design. This card is more of a crutch for environments that need to give aggro enough teeth to compete with greedy midrange monstrosities. Strong card, but boring as hell.

Army in a cans that continue to produce those bodies while sporting sizeable stats are tough to deal with. Brimaz had no interesting play or decision-making due to Vigilance, Hero was too big of a swing when attacking the opponent with effectively 7 damage headed their way. Neither were very interactive.
Clocknapper looks amazing. It's a real shame to hear you have had problems with it because the moment I saw it I started thinking what kind of busted things you can do with it!
I feel bad, but

This whole deck is just so hard to balance. And endless stream of 2/1s really hurts control, nobody else wants any of the cards this deck wants, the gulf between powerful sac outlets and horrible ones is huge, it's difficult to branch this out to a 3rd color in a convincing way, and, well
It's also the only interesting thing blacks ever done.*

My cube group reached this same conclusion back when we drafted regularly. My issue was I couldn't at the time find a replacement I liked in black enough to fix it.


Ecstatic Orb

Powerful + Unintuitive is not a good combination.
I just traded for one (in a bulk trade, it's worth a pittance so why not), because it looked interesting. Then I started second-guessing myself, because reusing this to keep denying your opponent an untap, upkeep and draw step seems utterly unfun. And finally you post this. Poor Clocknapper, I guess we'll never know whether you are fun...
My cube group reached this same conclusion back when we drafted regularly. My issue was I couldn't at the time find a replacement I liked in black enough to fix it.

These guys are so frickin awesome, don't know why I don't see them in more cubes.

Also, black has dredge, how is this not cool?