General Dense Multi-Archetype Clusters

Hi folks,

I am trying to make some changes to my 180 card microcube project to encourage greater synergy. Due to extremely limited space, I am hoping to incorporate as many cards or sets of cards as possible that bridge multiple archetypes.

I wonder if anyone has any suggestions for what I am terming "Dense Multi-Archetype Clusters"?

One example I am thinking of adding is this cluster:

Here we have spells matter, tokens, creature pump, and graveyard synergy all kind of converging in a little cluster.

I guess I am also looking for single cards that support multiple archetypes. Channeler Initiate, for example supports the typical green ramp deck, but also buffs the "aristocrats" style deck. At this point the specific archetypes themselves don't matter quite as much as archetype density, as I am not 100% sure what archetypes I want to support.
Cards I find have good bridging capabilities:

Ramp, while offering something to aggro strategies

Berserker value, reanimator discard outlet

Reanimator, blink, aristocrats, and control all get value out of this guy.

Blink, reanimator, tempo, control.

Aggro, reanimator, spells matters

Slots into control and aggro shells

Here you have spells matter, explosive aggro draws and tokens. What I like is that 2 of the cards are hybrid meaning they slot into more decks which seems important for a small cube.
However, you have to try and find something that makes it important to play multiple spells per turn in green, which I haven't really looked for yet.

Edit: Maybe ?
If so, then you probably want to be pursuing a +1/+1 counter theme.