Eldrazi Domain Cube

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Going to try the following: remove almost all tokens from white, and give it more of a mass-pump emphasis. Should lead to less-clogged boards overall. Tentative change list:



Jason Waddell

Staff member
I had a really bad feeling about Hatred and don't think it's actually a good fit for this cube. After some Gatherer prowling I found a card that actually works:

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This ridiculous card exists:

Kills things, combos with Boros Reckoner, Death's Shadow, echo for turning on Morbid
I've been slowly reading through all of this and I was wondering if you could post an updated version of your color/archetype breakdown after your most recent changes/having got some actual play experience with the cube?

I really like the idea behind this cube, it feels as if you are creating more of an actual set rather than just a cube and I'm curious if you've been able to find a home for every color combination or if you still feel like there are some colors that don't quite fit with the rest yet.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I've been slowly reading through all of this and I was wondering if you could post an updated version of your color/archetype breakdown after your most recent changes/having got some actual play experience with the cube?

I really like the idea behind this cube, it feels as if you are creating more of an actual set rather than just a cube and I'm curious if you've been able to find a home for every color combination or if you still feel like there are some colors that don't quite fit with the rest yet.

Thanks for posting! Well, I am working on a ChannelFireball article on the subject, for now I'll give the following overview:

White: Our focuses here are: Control, mass pump, battalion and double strike. White has lots of anthems, but isn't producing a tone of bodies itself. Ideally it wants to pair these effects with token generators of other colors, but it's also happy to create an army with double strike. White does great crowd control as well with its board wipe effects, but these are more expensive than in a traditional cube (5+ CMC).

Blue: The home of the Domain theme. Almost all the domain incentive cards are in blue. Also, since the Jund colors are more rampy, blue gets more of an attacking focus than usual (the same way that there were UW levellers in ROE). Blue is heavy into evasion and for rewarding you for unblocked attackers (Ninjas, Curiosity, etc.). Blue also has a subtheme of cheating things into play off of the top of the library, and pairs that with Brainstorms & Sensei's Divining Top.

Black: Home of swamps matters ramp, sacrifice effects, Morbid, and creature control. Black does a lot of overlapping things that are working really well. I'm really happy with its top end too. Reaper from the Abyss and Morkrut Banshee are great card designs.

Red: Some anti-token aggro, ramp, elementals matters cards, and the main home of proliferate aggro, although the proliferation bonuses are in all five colors. Domain and Morbid burn spells, and some effects that make it impossible to block with only a single creature. Also, many sacrifice effects for utilizing Eldrazi tokens.

Green: Mostly ramp, with additional Morbid, aggro and tokens support.

I'm actually fairly happy with it at the moment. I haven't tested the latest white changes, and feel the black sacrifice stuff isn't properly tuned yet, but it's improving!
A few cards that I think might be very handsome to include after reviewing your Cube are:

Student of Warfare (proliferates well, ranger of eos is good pals w/ him, can be good at almost any point in a game)
Cyclonic Rift (more flexible than evacuation, and more powerful when overloaded)
Carnifex Demon (BSZ was in my cube and the ability to recycle it over & over was just unfun too often)
Rampaging Baloths (Seems like a nice fatty to have besides just 3 Primeval Titans)
Rubblebelt Raiders (Moar +1/+1 counterz 4 proli48,and a growing hybrid mana threat!)
Maw of the Obzedat (A good sac outlet that compliments the anthem & morbid theme)
Master Biomancer (He IS the master of the biomancing artistry)
Child of Alara (Cuz personally, I would definitely want to play 5 colors if I had this w/ the proper tools)

Now there is a very good chance I'm wrong about some of these cards being oh-so handsome. Honestly, I haven't read through the whole forum, so some of these might have already been tested and cut for all I know. I might be overlooking some things for all I know. Maybe some are too strong. Maybe some are too slow. Beauty might just be in the eye of the beholder, but I'm confident in saying at least one or two of these cards should be in your cube.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
A few cards that I think might be very handsome to include after reviewing your Cube are:

Student of Warfare (proliferates well, ranger of eos is good pals w/ him, can be good at almost any point in a game)
Cyclonic Rift (more flexible than evacuation, and more powerful when overloaded)
Carnifex Demon (BSZ was in my cube and the ability to recycle it over & over was just unfun too often)
Rampaging Baloths (Seems like a nice fatty to have besides just 3 Primeval Titans)
Rubblebelt Raiders (Moar +1/+1 counterz 4 proli48,and a growing hybrid mana threat!)
Maw of the Obzedat (A good sac outlet that compliments the anthem & morbid theme)
Master Biomancer (He IS the master of the biomancing artistry)
Child of Alara (Cuz personally, I would definitely want to play 5 colors if I had this w/ the proper tools)

Now there is a very good chance I'm wrong about some of these cards being oh-so handsome. Honestly, I haven't read through the whole forum, so some of these might have already been tested and cut for all I know. I might be overlooking some things for all I know. Maybe some are too strong. Maybe some are too slow. Beauty might just be in the eye of the beholder, but I'm confident in saying at least one or two of these cards should be in your cube.

Thanks for posting! These are some fairly solid suggestions.

Student of Warfare - It's been on my list. Still looking to see if Boros Elite works well, with the various tokens floating around. The student is more of a known quantity to me (it's in my main cube), and I still want more experience with Boros Elite.
Cyclonic Rift - Yeah, it's certainly more powerful when overloaded. I'm not sure whether that's desirable here.
Carnifex / BSZ - I'll keep an eye on it, haven't seen miserable BSZ reloading yet.
Rampaging Baloths - The third Primeval Titan is in testing. They feel pretty essential to the big ramp archetypes, and to the cube as a whole. The more resilient the ramp is, the harder I can push other things.
Rubblebelt Raiders - Good find! I forgot all about this card. Any suggested cut?
Maw of the Obzedat - Was in there previously but was really underwhelming and nobody ever really wanted it.
Master Biomancer - Hmmm... yeah, this could be interesting in the way that Ogre Battledriver is interesting. What are you cutting, Fathom Mage?
Child of Alara - I really don't want more than two 5-color dudes. I have Horde of Notions and Maelstrom Archangel. Do you think it should replace either of these? I'm doubtful.

Don't worry about making suggestions that get shot down, every idea helps! I really like the Rubblebelt and Biomancer suggestions.
Thanks for posting! These are some fairly solid suggestions.

Student of Warfare - It's been on my list. Still looking to see if Boros Elite works well, with the various tokens floating around. The student is more of a known quantity to me (it's in my main cube), and I still want more experience with Boros Elite.
Cyclonic Rift - Yeah, it's certainly more powerful when overloaded. I'm not sure whether that's desirable here.
Carnifex / BSZ - I'll keep an eye on it, haven't seen miserable BSZ reloading yet.
Rampaging Baloths - The third Primeval Titan is in testing. They feel pretty essential to the big ramp archetypes, and to the cube as a whole. The more resilient the ramp is, the harder I can push other things.
Rubblebelt Raiders - Good find! I forgot all about this card. Any suggested cut?
Maw of the Obzedat - Was in there previously but was really underwhelming and nobody ever really wanted it.
Master Biomancer - Hmmm... yeah, this could be interesting in the way that Ogre Battledriver is interesting. What are you cutting, Fathom Mage?
Child of Alara - I really don't want more than two 5-color dudes. I have Horde of Notions and Maelstrom Archangel. Do you think it should replace either of these? I'm doubtful.

Don't worry about making suggestions that get shot down, every idea helps! I really like the Rubblebelt and Biomancer suggestions.

I would cut a Burning Tree Emissary or the Spellbreaker Behemoth. I'm leaning more towards the Burning Tree, though. Just doesn't seem like taking one out will hurt anything too much.

Master Biomancer should definitely replace Fathom Mage. Ms. Fathom is interesting, but he seems more explosive on board and flexible with more decks.

As for Child of Alara, you make a good point. Horde of Notions & the Archangel are both really good. I still feel like CoA is at least worth a bit of testing. Doesn't seem too bad of an idea to maybe just throw in one more 5-color dude.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hmmm.. Burning-Tree is a pretty big part of enabling certain cards, i.e.

Spellbreaker helps to get the finishers online. But maybe I just need a Cavern of Souls in the utility land stack?
Thanks for the breakdown of the colors. Were you able to find homes for the guild colors and shards? I remember earlier on you weren't quite sure about a couple of them. If this is all going to be in your CFB article, then I can just wait till then.

I was looking through your black since you mentioned it still may need some changes and have a few suggestions:

Tenacious Dead to replace Gravecrawler. I don't know if it is too clunky, but it seems like you don't have enough Zombies to make Gravecrawlers recursion reliable, though that may be intentional on your part.

I can't really think of something to replace it, but Wakedancer seems like a weak card, unless you want it there to have a token producer in black. If you are interested in a token generator for black, maybe Ogre Slumlord? It's more expensive, but goes well with the sac theme.

One last suggestion, though it may be too black mana intensive, is Dark Prophecy. It gives you some card advantage for black while not being as overpowered as some of the other options that you find in most cubes.

I've started putting this together for myself and look forward to playing it!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Ooh, really interested in hearing your experiences with it! I learn so much every time we draft it, and another set of eyes and uh... brain cells is very welcome.

I don't really do a full breakdown of every color combination in the introductory article (I just finished writing it last night actually, but I was at ~2000 words even with a birds eye-view. Not all the subthemes got laid out). The Gravecrawler doesn't have much Zombie support, that's true. Right now it's just a random dude mostly.

I'll pick up a copy of Slumlord, but I am worried about going overboard on token density right now.

Dark Prophecy is pretty spicy. Hmmmm... gets you thinking doesn't it? Part of the problem is that this is kind of a multicolor cube, and I am already kind of saturated at the "Swamps matters" front. I do like it, but I also don't want there to be a weekly mono-black deck. I'll put it in my testing pile.
Hmmm.. Burning-Tree is a pretty big part of enabling certain cards, i.e.

Spellbreaker helps to get the finishers online. But maybe I just need a Cavern of Souls in the utility land stack?

I guess Spellbreaker could be the swap. On another note, have you decided the fate of Alara's child? I'm tellin' you, it'd be a good addition...
Actually, why not take out the Maelstrom Archangel for Child of Alara? Casting free spells is cool, but Child of Alara has a more "damned if I do, damned if I don't" feel to it. Either it is dealt with and they lose everything, or you have a 6/6 trampling beater for 5 mana. If ou have any sacrifice outlets, then they are at your mercy.
I'd vote for the Angel as well. I imagine that in order to get all 5 colors you're going to end up putting a lot down on the board to help fix your mana and you may end up losing all of that and have hard time casting your other cards with decreased fixing. The angel on the other hand only helps you out while still being a threat that must be dealt with and allows 5-colors to potentially play smoother. I think they are both threats that need answering, I just worry the Child could backfire more often than not.

Plus who doesn't want to live the dream of casting Nicol Bolas for free!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Definitely the angel.

On another note, if you're still looking for a largish red creature, magmaw fits the elemental and sac/token themes.

Yeah, this could be good. My current red 5's are:

Emrakul's Hatcher
Emrakul's Hatcher
Caldera Hellion

Perhaps I could ditch a Hatcher. They're kind of necessary, but I also feel a little terrible drafting / casting them.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I've looked at Maelstrom Nexus. I do love me some cascade. Also it turns out I totally misread Angel when I decided to include it, I thought it said your opponent's hand, not yours.

Bringer is kind of cool. I've already got the Blue one, but the Black one is also playable especially with the swamps-matters ramp. Suggest a cut!
I drafted this for the first time today on cubetutor, and I enjoyed it. I like the non-singleton exception for certain cards, loved being able to draft different decks, basically just wanted to say that this thing is awesome!