Eric Chan's Modern cube (405)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Well, I wouldn't place the blame on your cube being "Riptidey". I thought we ran more fixing than average?

What I meant by my flippant comment is that in a 'normal' cube, your fixing situation tends toward mediocre, whether you run a draft or a sealed event. In cubes on this forum, though, fixing tends to be sweet in draft. However, that doesn't extend over to sealed, because of the nature of opening random duals and shocks, rather than getting to hand select them.

Chris Taylor

What I meant by my flippant comment is that in a 'normal' cube, your fixing situation tends toward mediocre, whether you run a draft or a sealed event. In cubes on this forum, though, fixing tends to be sweet in draft. However, that doesn't extend over to sealed, because of the nature of opening random duals and shocks, rather than getting to hand select them.

Needs more evolving wilds :p

Chris Taylor

Zero in the main though?
I guess brass cave is lower risk...

Man we need a different drawback for wizards to overuse on lands than ETB Tapped.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I run 50 fixers (two sets of shocks, two sets of fetches, and then a mix of temples & manlands) in a 360, which at first felt a little excessive, but I've slowly come to appreciate. But it all but squeezes out any other sweet fixing lands Wizards prints.

Evolving Wilds is the perfect power level for utility land draft fixing, though - it needs to be substantially weaker than duals or shocks, so that people are still incentivized to draft fixing high.