Though I want to like it the problem I would have with running this myself is that while the deck seems like it may be fun to play, a lot of the individual cards are narrow and not very exciting. You durdle a lot and then maybe win with a Baloth woodcrasher? Like you said, the payoff cards don't knock your socks off. While you think we can get there on the next trip to Zendikar, I have little faith. The best landfall card during BFZ standard was... printed in SOI.
Kefnet is a card I've never played with, but I could see him being a bomb in this sort of deck.
I know meloku's been mentioned but it seems like a slam dunk? Why not run it? Too good?
I know you mentioned you got rid of some lands in the graveyard cards, but maybe mending would be worth having anyways? It definitely can set up a big multi landfall turn and win with the baloth, mill your opponent with the crab, or be totally disgusting in a wildfire deck... okay, maybe that's a reason not to run it?