Magus of the Wheel is great. A 3/3 that refills your hand is not bad. Since you can active it at the end of turn, it's easier to break the symmetry on it. It's a great include of most lists. The main problem with the card is that it's yet another 3-drop.
Magus of the Will is a much weaker because Yawmoth's Will is a much worse card in cube that Wheel of Fortune is. It's mostly a value card in non-powered cubes and the decks that like the card the most don't tend to be too interested in a 3/3.
Magus of the Will is a much weaker because Yawmoth's Will is a much worse card in cube that Wheel of Fortune is. It's mostly a value card in non-powered cubes and the decks that like the card the most don't tend to be too interested in a 3/3.