General Modern Horizons


Ecstatic Orb
Did the prerelease draft today... and won! That's been a while!

There wasn't anything broken opened in our pod. My p1p1 was actually a common, and my p2p1 an off-color foil Talisman. That's how much my packs sucked. Well, until the 3rd pack that is. Deep Forest Hermit was kinda exactly what my deck wanted, and I won two of my games on Good-Fortune Unicorn into the Hermit :) Just a really solid list, really, in the absence of opponents with broken decks and removal. My curve was simply too quick in two-thirds of the games.
Did the prerelease draft today... and won! That's been a while!

There wasn't anything broken opened in our pod. My p1p1 was actually a common, and my p2p1 an off-color foil Talisman. That's how much my packs sucked. Well, until the 3rd pack that is. Deep Forest Hermit was kinda exactly what my deck wanted, and I won two of my games on Good-Fortune Unicorn into the Hermit :) Just a really solid list, really, in the absence of opponents with broken decks and removal. My curve was simply too quick in two-thirds of the games.

It is so easy to get removal in this set's limited environment it isn't even funny! MH1 Draft feels kind of like an odd cube in some regards, although there are more narrow/unplayable/filler cards than one would want to see in cube.
This format was a TON of fun! Ended up doing 1 sealed and 2 drafts over the weekend, went 4-0/3-0/3-0, and think I got all but a handful of the cards I wanted to try for cube.

GW Beautiful-Hair Horse

Sealed deck: Rhox Veteran, Giver of Runes, and Trumpeting Herd were the major standouts. Although, I think Stirring Address probably won me the most games. Board states stalled out frequently, and that card was key to getting many-for-ones in combat. Giver of Runes was also critical in both playing defensively as well as getting damage through stalled boards.

UG Very Snow, Much Cold

Draft 1: This was the second event of the day and felt the urge to take it easy in this event and draft something fun. I ended up picking up 22 snow permanents this draft :O, taking on-color (U/G) snow lands fairly early due to seeing the colors wide open pack one and especially seeing the first Abominable Treefolk 6th pick (in a 6-pod) pack 2. Choking Tethers is nuts. Abominable Treefolk is nuts. I feel Frostwalla was underrated and very strong, supposing you have the snow-fixing. I drafted the Iceberg Cancrixs because I saw a number of them wheeling early on and wanted to see how many snow permanents it would take to make them threats (turns out, it never really came together in a game) -- mill 2 per trigger isn’t quite enough to get there. Again, games can definitely stall out (likely because I was on the choking tether, no-removal plan)

UR Cantrip Aggro

Draft 2: Ended up doing one last draft at the last minute because I really wanted to get in some playtime with Ninjas or the UR archetype. I passed a number of key removal pieces for no good reason other than to push a strictly cantrip aggro plan and assemble something dumb. At least in this deck, the Eyekites were bonkers, being great targets for the Phantasmal Form or Fists of Flame. Thundering Djinn is the real deal. Being able to be aggressive and remove blockers for your other creatures or simply remove the potential for a crack-back is insane. Force of Rage played well into the aggression plan, as I was often able to cast it on the defensive and remove an attacker or two and put the race in my favor. Choking Tethers is nuts.

Since I run a pretty combat-centric cube (and going to be redesigning with this set and War of the Spark in mind), I wanted to get as many games in as I could this weekend to get a feel for how the archetypes and particular cards played out. All said, I can’t wait to give some of these cards a spin in that environment (CubeTutor is suppose to get its MH1 update tomorrow)!
MH1 feels like a Cube-lite environment. There are so many cool interactions and synergies that can be exploited. I went 2-0-1 with a split in the 3rd round for 1st place in the pod I was in, drafted the following G/R midrange deck splashing Lightning Skelemental:

RG Midrange

Curving out is just so important in this set. If you're aggressive and push forward bodies that can pressure your opponent, you can really press the advantage and keep them on their toes throughout a match. There are just so many powerful commons in this set, most games I didn't even get to use either of my rare creatures. I didn't get to cast Hogaak once in a relevant game. There are just so many awesome synergies present throughout, like using Winding Way to fuel out an early Ore-Scale Guardian. Alpine Guide was super sweet as well, allowing me to go Elk into Guide into Cyclops to just lay a smackdown was so satisfying. Also I just want to say that Trumpeting Herd is an absurd card at common. 6 power worth of elephants for 4 mana is just an amazing rate.

This set was so fun to draft. I wish it wasn't priced like a Masters draft at stores in my local area, it's really a blast to play and I'd love to dive deeper into the different archetypes. But at $30+ a pop, you'd best believe I'm going to be money-drafting as a first option.