Love skill intensive card games? Has WotC taken a shit on your online card playing experience by filing a lawsuit against Hex TCG while also proceeding to ruin MTGO further and further as if The Abyss were their favorite card in MtG? Well, then MAYBE you should try the free-to-play Hearthstone online card game!!! Or maybe you already play it??? Anyways, I took it as my sole responsibility to start a thread for anyone on here interested in Hearthstone or already playing Hearthstone. So, what class do you like best? What cards are too good? What needs to be nerfed? Should they consider adding new classes or fleshing out the current ones more? Discuss.


Ecstatic Orb
Meh, I've found Arena to be the only worthwhile playing mode, and it just didn't capture my imagination like Magic does in the end.

Edit: that's to say, fun for a while :)
I agree with Quinns: Hearthstone is game that's fine. It's fine.

Arena seems actually interesting, constructed seems to be about grinding flavour of the month deck. I'm sure things can beat warlock zoo, but, you know, why play that thing when you could play warlock zoo and spec for the mirror match. Before that, release the hounds hunter. Before that, whatever was the top deck then.

Still, I'm interested for Nax, except that I don't have a sensible constructed deck for the single player stuff, and the new cards are for constructed only. So other than none of it being related to how I want to play, it looks great!

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I got bored after about fifteen or twenty games with it. I can't pinpoint exactly why, other than that all of the good neutral creatures show up in pretty much every deck, which reduces variety.

It runs really well on iPad, though. Well-made and well-polished, through and through.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I got bored after about fifteen or twenty games with it. I can't pinpoint exactly why, other than that all of the good neutral creatures show up in pretty much every deck, which reduces variety.

It runs really well on iPad, though. Well-made and well-polished, through and through.

When I watch streams it seems like the games are often devoid of tension or meaningful decision points. I think part of that may be the fact that damage carries over across turns. Makes the gameplay more incremental. The "never missing land-drops" bit also takes away from tension and makes the games more homogeneous.


Ecstatic Orb
It runs really well on iPad, though. Well-made and well-polished, through and through.
So much attention to detail, I love the battlefield. I spent hours just clicking the airship, the church windows, the pumpkins, etc. The fun and dedication of the dev team shines through every bit of the game. It's a joy to play really, but after you played it for a while all the polish in the world can't cover up the lack of depth. And that's not a bad thing, mind you, because it means it's a perfect casual game.
When I watch streams it seems like the games are often devoid of tension or meaningful decision points. I think part of that may be the fact that damage carries over across turns. Makes the gameplay more incremental. The "never missing land-drops" bit also takes away from tension and makes the games more homogeneous.


Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
So much attention to detail, I love the battlefield. I spent hours just clicking the airship, the church windows, the pumpkins, etc. The fun and dedication of the dev team shines through every bit of the game. It's a joy to play really, but after you played it for a while all the polish in the world can't cover up the lack of depth. And that's not a bad thing, mind you, because it means it's a perfect casual game.

Yeah, absolutely. While Hearthstone might not be for the super-invested Magic players like us, I think it's a perfect gateway drug for people who have never touched a CCG in their lives. Nearly everyone at my workplace either actively plays it, or has dabbled with it. The best part is that people can play it without knowing or caring about CCGs at all, along with any of the associated stigma that might come attached with our 'nerdy' hobby. Even if only a small fraction of Hearthstone players eventually convert over to Magic, I think it's still a net positive for the genre as a whole.

Very happy that a product like this exists. I have a faint hope that it'll push Wizards and Hasbro to take MTGO more seriously, because there's nothing like legitimate competition to spur someone into action.
I like druid because split cards are good, and I like mage because freeze is good (and also in hearthstone). The other classes I can take or leave, except that paladin weapon that heals when you attack which fuck that bullshit.
As a major advocate of slamming more dinosaurs and powerful dinosaur-like creatures in all fantasy games, I find myself VERY upset that King Krush doesn't cost 8 instead of 9.
I only play Rogue so I can draw the most cards.

Hahaha, every time I play against this deck I'm like: UW Miracles again??? Although I play Handlock and I think the rogue match up is pretty good. Turns out that being able to draw an extra card each turn for 2 life is a great deal, lol.
Hahaha, every time I play against this deck I'm like: UW Miracles again??? Although I play Handlock and I think the rogue match up is pretty good. Turns out that being able to draw an extra card each turn for 2 life is a great deal, lol.

A buddy of mine plays Mur-Lock, and I hate it so much. That being said, Leeroy Jenkins is broken as hell.
Oh god yes, the Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless Manipulator 20 haste damage combo is pretty filthy.

What makes even less sense to me is that a legendary, class-specific charger KING KRUSH costs 9 MANA while Leeroy gets to sit at a more than kind 4 cost. That being said, classes need MORE(and better)class-specific cards and the neutral cards in general shouldn't be as good as some of them are. At 4 mana, I should want a good class specific card rather than Shieldmasta or Yeti. I shouldn't feel as though I HAVE to have Harvest Golem in every deck. And Leeroy should seriously cost at least 6 if they're gonna leave him how he is. Not to mention legendaries for certaain classes should be made a bit cheaper. King Krush at say...8 mana? Or Mr. Archmage Guy who makes fireballs at 6 mana, and trim 1 point of power?
I barely play Harvest Golem in any decks, unless you mean Arena in which case... I barely play Harvest Golem in any decks because I'm very unlucky ;p
Once you acquire a large enough pool of cards, I imagine harvest golem isn't as good in comparison...but you get the idea. Too many staples are neutral cards. Class-specific cards should be stronger. Yada yada yada....
I think it's because there aren't enough class cards to build a whole deck nor are there supposed to be. A deck is supposed to have neutrals, but every class has access to the same neutrals and then your optimal picks are pretty narrow therefore you see the same cards running around. But Handlock for instance wants life gain more than a 2/1 body so we run Earthen Ring Farseer instead of Harvest Golem.

And the class cards are often very strong. Jaxx and Fondring are both insane legendaries. At 4 mana in druid I far prefer the 2/4 who can either silence or shock (forget his name...) over Taz-dingo. The hunter is good entirely on the back of the excellent synergies of its class cards. Handlock would be garbage without Hellfire and Syphon Soul. The unfortunate part is that the class cards for Pally and Mage are pretty bad in constructed. On the other hand those same class cards are the very best in arena. In fact in the arena I'd rather have another swipe, fire elemental, or flame strike over pretty much any legendary or epic!
And that's another issue. Hunter has won me over cuz all his cards have amazing synergy. He's also very flexible and all his cards seem to be very good.(besides the continuing disappointment that is king krush). I really want to like the mage, but she just isn't good enough. Her secrets kind of suck, making the 4/3 she gets a lot less appealing. There isn't any card draw for her outside of a divination effect. I liked the warrior up until I realized armor does nothing but serve as lifegain that makes one removal spell good. There is a lot of room for improvements & new ideas. Like what about a minion who has power equal your shield as its battlecry? Or a 7 mana spell that puts 2/2s into play for each point of shield you have?
Class splashing? Nah, I don't think so...Though it would be cool to have a game type for it. Something like casual where you can get a bit of gold for wins but not like ranked or arena.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
If not class splashing, then Hearthstone could go for some "hybrid" cards.


Lots of other TCGs have figured out a way to do colour splashing using restrictions other than Magic's manabase, though, so there's no reason Hearthstone couldn't do it. New heroes that are dual-class - and have some other drawback to offset this advantage - is one easy way to go about this.

And that's another issue. Hunter has won me over cuz all his cards have amazing synergy. He's also very flexible and all his cards seem to be very good.(besides the continuing disappointment that is king krush). I really want to like the mage, but she just isn't good enough. Her secrets kind of suck, making the 4/3 she gets a lot less appealing. There isn't any card draw for her outside of a divination effect. I liked the warrior up until I realized armor does nothing but serve as lifegain that makes one removal spell good. There is a lot of room for improvements & new ideas. Like what about a minion who has power equal your shield as its battlecry? Or a 7 mana spell that puts 2/2s into play for each point of shield you have?

The Control warrior deck uses armor to fantastic effect along with a "damage your own creatures" theme which is synergistic and neat. As far as I know, the only card similar to what you're describing is Shield Slam or something like that: does damage to a minion equal to your armor. Since they already have such an effect I'd guess there's more on the way with expansions!

However you're 100% right that the Mage is just not really playable in constructed. Like sure Trump got to legend rank with a f2p Mage deck but he's also an incredible player. there's a problem here with arena balance vs constructed balance I think.