As cubes approach a critical mass of generally strong cards which just happen to come from the same tribe, adding cards to support that tribe can add an interesting dynamic to the draft. In most typical cubes, this tends to happen with Humans, and we have seen supporting this tribe can be done fairly simply with just a few cards, usually:
Are there other tribes that have awesome supporting cards? Any tribes with a density of strong cards worth supporting? Elementals maybe?
Self-interest disclaimer: In the Scuttlemutt cube, I am looking to support Goblins/Elves and maybe Elementals. I don't know what cards can be used to support these. Elvish Archdruid maybe?
Are there other tribes that have awesome supporting cards? Any tribes with a density of strong cards worth supporting? Elementals maybe?
Self-interest disclaimer: In the Scuttlemutt cube, I am looking to support Goblins/Elves and maybe Elementals. I don't know what cards can be used to support these. Elvish Archdruid maybe?