Un-Tethered: A (mostly) Silver-Bordered Cube

Two weeks ago, one of my drafters came to me with a request. He had a box in his closet jammed full of cards from Unstable, along with a couple goodies from earlier Un-sets. Could we turn this pile of cards into a cube?

A few things enticed me about this project. It had tight design constraints, as it would have to be almost entirely silver-bordered. I would be able to design it entirely in the physical realm, giving me a break from endless tweaking on Cubetutor. Finally, it would be a cube design exercise, free of charge! I made the decision not to spend a penny on this thing, including sleeves, which I pilfered from my bountiful stores of old KMC Hyper Mats, fixing lands, which gave me a use for the dozen or so extra Ash Barrens I bought when they were reprinted in A25, and I found one of those long paper boxes for storage. The box of cards came into my possession, and a few hours of frenzied design later, Un-Tethered was born!

IMG_20190726_140206258 (2).jpg

Without many cards to choose from, two things were made necessary: singleton breaking and a smaller player cap. Un-Tethered supports 6 players with a 270-count cardpool, broken up as follows:

-36 of each color
-6 multicolor (one of each allied pair. one hybrid)
-24 artifact
-35 Contraptions
-25 lands

Unstable cards and archetypes comprise the bulk of the cube, so it's really more like "Unstable Draft-Sim Plus" than anything else. The one major change is the inclusion of some black-bordered and silver-bordered cards so that Border Guardian is fully functional. For the black bordered cards, I chose a set of 'draft-matters' cards from Conspiracy 2, including Pyretic Hunter, Regicide, and Leovold's Operative. In my mind they sort of fit the vibe of an Un-set. I didn't have many white-bordered cards on hand, so I took what I could get, and added an Unsummon, Volcanic Hammer, and a couple other classic playables. I'm sure the cube could be improved and expanded with cards from other Un-sets or original Conspiracy, but I had a lot of fun building it, and I look forward to busting it out for a change of pace every once in a while!

Cubetutor: http://www.cubetutor.com/visualspoiler/149052