I still have my foiled proxy power 9 laying around and i know some of my gaming group wants to assemble broken stuff and crush those enemies. I'm not against powerful magic, but i want to test something else than "black lotus into t1 jace 2.0, gg" kind of games.
What i'm aiming for is to have a format where you occasionally have explosive starts, but the core of the games won't be decided in two turns AND to make a format that feels kind of its own compared to my more traditional main cube. What i thought of first to make this happen was to see what it would be like to have those over the top cards mixed with almost unplayable cards. To accomplish this, i decided to try out a cube that bans the modern environment completely, so only cards before Mirrodin are welcome.
Also the card pool gives me leeway to add in some crappy but nostalgic cards that doesn't jump out that much, this is something that probably will get appriciation from those old school players i'm playing with. What cards am i talking about, well go check the list and see if anything takes you back to the old school magic where Shivan Dragon was the Queen: http://www.cubetutor.com/visualspoiler/51383
What does this change?
-No planeswalkers
-The usual powerhouse power max cards get a lot worse: Show and Tell, Channel, Eureka, Storm, Recurring Nightmare, Tinker, Fastbond etc..
-Creature based decks get better because the lack of trump cards like planeswalkers, but then again creatures also get much worse.
-Blue becomes overly powerful if not nerfed and i have snipped the power level a bit, so not every best card in blue exists in there. (no ancestral, opposition, mana drain, treachery)
What comes to cube size, i wouldn't mind a bigger pool per se, but with this low card quality to choose from making a huge cube would be almost impossible and would result in diminishing returns. For instance white is really struggling for cards that i would like to add already. It's 550+ now and it probably will stay that size, unless i go for the power max route and make my first 360 cube.
Some clear strategies:
Rebels (monoW):
This tribal seems to be just for the resiliency. Nothing fancy, just card advantage to an aggro deck.

Goblins (monoRw):
Lots of bad cards, but together might get there, only time will tell if this works. Also this format has a plausible reason to make goblins a thing, because the cards that would replace them aren't that hot either.
Ball Lightning's and Hill Giants with a negative or minor positive abilites aren't too interesting, goblins are more sexy.
Zombies (monob /Br):

Elves (monoG)

Not much surprises here. Reanimation spells are the best of the bunch, but the targets are mostly not that impressive. Like in every cube with reanimator i have to keep an eye on how well reanimator performs, since this might be the best strategy in here.

I know some of you are grinding your teeth for the power 9 and the fast mana, but i want to test them with the crappy cards and take a feel what it was like back in the days of magic and take them out if those cards warp the format TOO much.
What cards should exist in this format that i have left out ? (nostalgic value or just great cards)
Any interesting archetypes that could be made from cards that i left out ?
Some cards that you feel are WAY WAY over the top in the color pie ?
Some cards that you feel are WAY WAY too crappy to be ever picked in this cube ?
What if i go for a route where every color has tribals ?
What i'm aiming for is to have a format where you occasionally have explosive starts, but the core of the games won't be decided in two turns AND to make a format that feels kind of its own compared to my more traditional main cube. What i thought of first to make this happen was to see what it would be like to have those over the top cards mixed with almost unplayable cards. To accomplish this, i decided to try out a cube that bans the modern environment completely, so only cards before Mirrodin are welcome.
Also the card pool gives me leeway to add in some crappy but nostalgic cards that doesn't jump out that much, this is something that probably will get appriciation from those old school players i'm playing with. What cards am i talking about, well go check the list and see if anything takes you back to the old school magic where Shivan Dragon was the Queen: http://www.cubetutor.com/visualspoiler/51383
What does this change?
-No planeswalkers
-The usual powerhouse power max cards get a lot worse: Show and Tell, Channel, Eureka, Storm, Recurring Nightmare, Tinker, Fastbond etc..
-Creature based decks get better because the lack of trump cards like planeswalkers, but then again creatures also get much worse.
-Blue becomes overly powerful if not nerfed and i have snipped the power level a bit, so not every best card in blue exists in there. (no ancestral, opposition, mana drain, treachery)
What comes to cube size, i wouldn't mind a bigger pool per se, but with this low card quality to choose from making a huge cube would be almost impossible and would result in diminishing returns. For instance white is really struggling for cards that i would like to add already. It's 550+ now and it probably will stay that size, unless i go for the power max route and make my first 360 cube.
Some clear strategies:
Rebels (monoW):
This tribal seems to be just for the resiliency. Nothing fancy, just card advantage to an aggro deck.
Goblins (monoRw):
Lots of bad cards, but together might get there, only time will tell if this works. Also this format has a plausible reason to make goblins a thing, because the cards that would replace them aren't that hot either.
Ball Lightning's and Hill Giants with a negative or minor positive abilites aren't too interesting, goblins are more sexy.
Zombies (monob /Br):
Elves (monoG)
Not much surprises here. Reanimation spells are the best of the bunch, but the targets are mostly not that impressive. Like in every cube with reanimator i have to keep an eye on how well reanimator performs, since this might be the best strategy in here.
I know some of you are grinding your teeth for the power 9 and the fast mana, but i want to test them with the crappy cards and take a feel what it was like back in the days of magic and take them out if those cards warp the format TOO much.
What cards should exist in this format that i have left out ? (nostalgic value or just great cards)
Any interesting archetypes that could be made from cards that i left out ?
Some cards that you feel are WAY WAY over the top in the color pie ?
Some cards that you feel are WAY WAY too crappy to be ever picked in this cube ?
What if i go for a route where every color has tribals ?