I think the difference is between using lower power formats to explore increased complexity (something Grillo is great at and sigh is also exploring), versus using lower power formats to explore decreased complexity (something japahn and perhaps ahadabans seem to be exploring in somewhat different ways).
To articulate that further: whereas the former group sees Incendiary Flow as an elegant way to provide incidental hate against some minority of the field and provide some tech-y utility, the latter group may instead see Volcanic Hammer as the more appropriate card, as it doesn't offer any secret tech benefit to insider players and thus serves to flatten power level and balance the field a bit more. Similarly, the former group might see Gisa and Geralf as an exciting, synergistic tool for self-mill, zombie, and graveyard value decks that requires some understanding of the format to really make use of, whereas the latter might find Cloudblazer and its straightforward utility more appropriate for helping the clearer, but more generic,
Control deck come together with relative ease.
Obviously some distinctions will apply among members within each of these groups, but I feel like this is a pretty fair assessment on why the "elegance" dilemma is persisting as it is in this thread; it's a difference of perspective and intent.
To articulate that further: whereas the former group sees Incendiary Flow as an elegant way to provide incidental hate against some minority of the field and provide some tech-y utility, the latter group may instead see Volcanic Hammer as the more appropriate card, as it doesn't offer any secret tech benefit to insider players and thus serves to flatten power level and balance the field a bit more. Similarly, the former group might see Gisa and Geralf as an exciting, synergistic tool for self-mill, zombie, and graveyard value decks that requires some understanding of the format to really make use of, whereas the latter might find Cloudblazer and its straightforward utility more appropriate for helping the clearer, but more generic,
Obviously some distinctions will apply among members within each of these groups, but I feel like this is a pretty fair assessment on why the "elegance" dilemma is persisting as it is in this thread; it's a difference of perspective and intent.