Chris Taylor
Huh. I'm gonna try Vinecrasher 
I want another pay off card for the mono black deck. How would you rank those and why?:
The mono black decks in my cube consist of hand disruption, (mass)removal and value through creature resurrection, often more midrange than control.
Crypt Ghast lets you grind out games through extort, and propels you into your big plays earlier because of the mana boost.
Lashwrite is nothing more than a big beater. When combined with cards like Vampire Nighthawk and Gifted Aetherborn it has some additional benefits (muchos life gain), but the same is true for other, more widely playable equipments.
Abhorrent Overlord is a big finisher that rewards putting a lot of black pips into your deck. If you can generate six harpies, you're attacking for 11 next turn, through the air, which is a pretty good deal for seven mana. Seven mana is a lot though! It also interacts nicely with reanimation spells, as you can sacrifice the Overlord to its own trigger, then return it to the battlefield for even more harpies!
Bad Moon is two sided and benefits aggro decks the most.
I'ld say out of these the Overlord. There isn't exactly a lot of stuff worth accelerating into in your cube at the moment for the Crypt Ghast to matter, I feel. If you want to promote mono black a bit more, especially when you're going to utilize the devotion mechanic, I feel you want to include more permanents with two black pips in your two and three mana section, some that can survive the wrath effects would be especially nice. Stuff like...
Is Geralf's Messenger on your radar?
Gary is already in there, right? Because recurring Gary gets real gross real fast.
Oversold cemetery, for sure.
I don't think many people that run oversold, run shriekmaw here.
agree on Cemetery > Oath