Next Scryfall golf challenge: Find desirable targets for Tinker in a peasant cube.
mana:7 e:m19 me
Next Scryfall golf challenge: Find desirable targets for Tinker in a peasant cube.
mana:7 e:m19 me
Next Scryfall golf challenge: Find desirable targets for Tinker in a peasant cube. Or improve upon my 22 character solution for the previous challenge![]()
cmc>6 t:art r<r
You can sort the search results by release date using the filters at the top of the results page, e.g.!“Island”&order=released&dir=desc&as=grid&unique=prints.How do I use Scryfall to confirm which of these are older/newer?
This convo seems like a non-starter because we acknowledge that Scryfall's UI can do all of what MCI's can and more, but MCI's was a lot more intuitive for various tasks. I liked that I could get >90% of my everyday queries by quickly using a few dropdown menus and not needing to consult the documentation
we acknowledge that Scryfall's UI can do all of what MCI's can and more
What do you mean by this, can you give me an example?Scryfall can't do complex oracle text queries.
You can sort the search results by release date using the filters at the top of the results page, e.g.!“Island”&order=released&dir=desc&as=grid&unique=prints.
The cards are literally sorted by release date, in descending order. The first Island in the search result is the newest, the last one is the oldest. There is nothing wrong with the link.Please look at your link and tell me what is wrong with the link.
Can Scryfall show us which is older/newer?
The cards are literally sorted by release date, in descending order. The first Island in the search result is the newest, the last one is the oldest. There is nothing wrong with the link.
Dude, if you want people to help with your weirdly specific request, it wouldn't hurt to be a bit more polite. Why do you need to know which one is newer?
This conversation doesn’t have to be this long. Please answer the question; Click on the link and look for these two lands. Tell me where you find this one:
Aaah, now I see what you mean. The Grand Prix promo isn't in that link. That was an honest mistake, I didn't realize it wasn't in there. You know, your first reply came off as very passive-aggressive. I'm trying to help here, and "Please look at your link and tell me what is wrong with the link." isn't exactly a helpful way of pointing out what's actually wrong with the link.
Anyway... The GP promo is there, but for some reason it only appears after the 10E prints, and before the Time Spiral prints (technically before the Magic Premiere Shop 2007 promo, but who remembers that one?). That's could be an error in their database then!
As I said previously it was super, super difficult for me to tell you guys exactly what I didn’t like about Scryfall because I had no photo to show you of how Magiccards did it. Because Scryfall has deleted all that. Now it is a little easier.
1: They do not have all cards exactly in order of date.
2: They do not have one page where you can see all cards lf a certain name. If you want to see all Islands you will have to switch pages back and forth.
I have also come to realize (with your help of course) that I CAN use this site. I will just have to get use to spending a little extra time. And I have to find exact release dates on other web pages.