Recent content by Jonas

  1. Jonas

    A stupid cube experiment

    They are sweet! I'm thinking I'll get to updating my peny pincher first though. and remove the saproling kit that I put in.
  2. Jonas

    A stupid cube experiment

    Wow it's been a while since I last updated my cube wonder if there are any new cards around that I should consider :marofl:
  3. Jonas

    Article Cross-Appeal in Cube — Recipes to Avoid the Pitfalls of Parasitic Archetypes

    Love this article, might need to overhaul my cubes even more now.
  4. Jonas

    A List of Riptiders Who Actually Play Magic

    I play both premodern and arena! Pfah! And I did play some modern this year. But cubeing? Pfah. With adults? No way. I might get a cube together in march. But I agree with everyone that playing some games is good to start appreciating cards.
  5. Jonas

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    Its gona take a thousand years to resolvera thousand year storm games.
  6. Jonas

    General Venkman - Draft As You Play

    It seems like another pretty fun 2 player draft format.
  7. Jonas

    General Venkman - Draft As You Play

    They had the rules in text below the video: VENKMAN RULES (As seen in this video.) Venkman is played out of a single deck. The first draw on each player's turn is replaced by a draft. Any other draw is normal - off the top of the deck. The deck is placed on one side of the play area, a clue...
  8. Jonas

    General The Draft Exchange

    That right there is a filthy deck, nice. Skeletal Vampire is on the way out I think, it can just take over and lock out something fierce, but otoh, to do it takes a couple of cards, so it might still be ok.
  9. Jonas

    180 cards(maybe) Boros cube

    I'll put this in here instead. Three years later. Like some sort of apprentice necromancer. Added cards to cube, it is atm a high power combo cube. Don't blame me, it just happened. There's just so much potential for going off without blue. I'll have to up the artifact removal rate...
  10. Jonas

    General The Draft Exchange

    Drafted Onderzeeboot's cube, first three picks: Young Pyromancer, Ripjaw raptor, flame jab, this could be fun, ended up with dinosaur wildfires on 08/08/2018 from" url=""] Ones 1 Experiment One 1 Firebolt 1 Firewild Borderpost 1 Flame Jab 1...
  11. Jonas

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    path of discovery Does this belong in this thread? I'm thinking of running it as possibly the only explore effect.
  12. Jonas

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    old-growth dryads Is this card just crap? Didn't someone make a colour cube at some point, with all that weird stuff?
  13. Jonas

    General NWO

    I really appreciate the magic wording over hearthstone, since I can actually get a feel for how the card works in different situations without getting a terms worth of statistics and probability.
  14. Jonas

    General Fight Club

    I can say that the deck I forced in the last draft did not have enough lifegain effects
  15. Jonas

    General Fight Club

    I'm sorry for my short answer, and I will write up a longer response when I am at a computer.