Recent content by Jovial

  1. Jovial

    I felt justified in building a Riptide Cube after hearing this

    It should start around 44:45 when Luis and Gaby find the line, blow out their opponent's board, and then the both of them comment that their mono-blue Baral/Murmuring Mystic 14-hits-for-Augur-of-Bolas is the purest form of a Cube deck. And the Legacy Cube is, in my mind, like a Riptide Cube...
  2. Jovial

    A List of Riptiders Who Actually Play Magic

    Friends, you'll never believe this, but I'm actually going to do a Winchester draft TODAY. With a PERSON. In REAL LIFE. I'll tell you how it goes. I'll be playing Penny Pincer 2.0 Cube. I'll throw the report in the appropriate blog. But guys... REAL PEOPLE. /faint
  3. Jovial

    Sets (RNA) Ravnica Allegiance Spoilers

    I'm a fan of this Tribute/Bloodthirst hybrid mechanic. Definitely can see some applications in one of my Cubes. That reminds me, this whole discussion makes me want to revamp my Peasant Cube...
  4. Jovial

    A List of Riptiders Who Actually Play Magic

    I played Magic once. Horrible.
  5. Jovial

    Jovial's Free Magic Box!

    Addendum: I hate having millions of different tokens in this kind of game, so I've taken out the cards that make stupid tokens. Also, they weren't very powerful and felt worse than drawing a Kindle like 90% of the time. I also removed the do-nothing cards. They weren't very powerful or created...
  6. Jovial

    Jovial's Free Magic Box!

    Forgive me for the late response! Work and other such excuses. You know how it do. As for your points, I'm in 99% agreement with all of them. :) And I'd like to go point-by-point to address them. The only reason why Kindle is in the Free Magic Box (FMB) is an ongoing joke with the friends...
  7. Jovial


  8. Jovial

    Jovial's Free Magic Box!

    Hello, friends! List for easy access: My buddies and I have been playing this alternate format forever, but we never bothered to get the list written down nor talk about it with anyone but ourselves. The gist of the format is this: a large stack of...
  9. Jovial

    General Ixlan Spoiler

    Not to necro a semi-dead thread, but Deeproot Champion reminded me of this RoboRosewater creation: Demoning Gargoyle
  10. Jovial

    Jovial's "Noah's Ark Cube"

    This is a placeholder. Please ignore until further notice.
  11. Jovial

    The Penny Pincher Cube 2.0--Inventors' Fair

    I built the original Penny Pincer Cube and host a draft night at my LGS and they love it. Therefor, I'm going to build the SHIT out of this and see how much they love it. <3
  12. Jovial

    Jovial's "Borrowed" Cube(s)

    Using our handy Riptide Time Machine, let's look back to this glorious trainwreck of a Cube: Specifically, VibeBox's Jank Cube. Link: The short description for those who can't look at the original list is as follows: Blue: Wizards Aggro Black: Ramp...
  13. Jovial

    The Penny Pincher Cube (360)

    Is it weird that I'm checking the CT list and this thread daily to see if you're making AER updates already? Is it also more weird that I'm more excited for AER because I want to see how this cube implements the new cards? Please tell me that the energy cards from the new set have found a home.
  14. Jovial

    The Penny Pincher Cube (360)

    Honestly, I feel like these two sentences are single-handedly the best descriptors for why blink effects are among the most ridiculous in Cube. Especially in my Peasant Cube (which I really need to update on CT and then get my Blog going...), we tend to only have between four and six drafters...
  15. Jovial

    The Penny Pincher Cube (360)

    In my experience with playing a friend's peasant Cube, getting Ghostly Flicker and Archaeomancer is an insane value engine. It's slow going, sure, but being able to rebuy Gray Merchant of Asphodels or Fire Imp is pretty legit.