Card/Deck If this post gets 30 Likes, I will eat a Siege Rhino.

I think it needs to maintain is card-ness. If you shredded it and cooked it into something that made it soggy and flavorful, that moves away from the intent to me.
I think it needs to maintain is card-ness. If you shredded it and cooked it into something that made it soggy and flavorful, that moves away from the intent to me.
I tried chewing on a piece of draft chaff this morning to see if the consistency of the card was similar to paper. Due to the glossy finish and blue core, it is not. It’s a lot closer to saran wrap.

I think the only way to safely eat a Siege Rhino would require removing the foil stamp and then processing it into something actually edible. Otherwise, it would basically be like eating plastic.
I tried chewing on a piece of draft chaff this morning to see if the consistency of the card was similar to paper. Due to the glossy finish and blue core, it is not. It’s a lot closer to saran wrap.
Obviously draft chaff is not good for your health! But a Siege Rhino is a better card, so the flavour will also be better. Probably the most tasty cards are the P9...
Luckily, there are a number of helpful sources available!

Playing Card Coating (WotC article containing the important line: "We certify our materials don't contain restricted or hazardous chemicals.")
The big problem is that Siege Rhino was printed before the coating change, so I’m not sure this information is that applicable. However, maybe the different coating will work in my favor?

Turns out that was a shitty idea, huh
I tried to delete the thread about 5 minutes after posting. Turns out… that’s not possible if you’re not a moderator!

Luckily, most people seem to think it’s pretty funny, so I’m not too sad about the deletion not working lol.
Eating an actual magic card is a terrible idea, as it's closer to plastic than cardboard. I would strongly advise against heating it in any way.

But if you're gonna, then I think you have to do it raw. No ketchup, no salsa, no, I dunno, mayonnaise, just your gullet and one (un)lucky copy of Dennis.
I mean, the average person consumes a similar amount of plastic per week anyway in the form of microplastics. It's probably not worse than using a lot of cosmetics while chewing 15 bubble gums.


Would it be funnier if I ate the thing raw or used it in an ingredient in something? I think making Siege Rhino Pasta would be a good meme. The advantage of doing it this way is that I would be able to ensure any of the materials in the card that might make me sick are removed (and I could also make a fun little “how to catch and cook siege rhino” video).
cooking video: fork, knife, ketchup.

After the post got 30 likes, I chewed on a Magic card to see if eating a Siege Rhino would be possible//safe. It did not go well.
It turns out, Magic cards are mostly made out of plastic, not paper. As such, it is not safe for a person to consume Magic cards, even if they are processed to improve edibility. I did try, but it does not seem feasible at this time.

I think the solution is going to be either the edible paper idea and/or getting a grocery store bakery (probably Target, but I don't know) to make a sheet cake with a Siege Rhino card printed on it. The Cake idea may run into some issues with copyright, but I think I may be able to get away with it so long as I remove the WOTC trademark from the bottom of the card.

Thank you so much for bearing with me on this project. I have been very busy with applying to (and now getting in to!) Dental School, so I haven't had a ton of time to focus on Rhino-related projects. Luckily, we should have a resolution before I start school in the fall! I'm glad so many people decided to give into the meme. I will do what it takes to make sure Siege Rhino can be converted to edible form!
