General CBS

I have never heard the phease Jesus hands before.

But I have seen the hand gesture several times a dag my entire life because most people have their hands like that several times every day.
Yeah but I don't want to do customs that are just name/art swaps.
I run 158 custom cards at time of writing, I've gotta leverage paper magic as hard as I can.
How do you decide when to run a custom and when to run a real card? I have a hard time slowing myself down once I start considering any custom cards.


Ecstatic Orb
How do you decide when to run a custom and when to run a real card? I have a hard time slowing myself down once I start considering any custom cards.
I ask myself the question: is this custom supporting the intended archetype(s) significantly better than any real card and/or is it just plain super fun to play?
How do you decide when to run a custom and when to run a real card? I have a hard time slowing myself down once I start considering any custom cards.

Depends on your audience.

Do you have a play group that wants custom cards then go for it.

Otherwise I would stick to finishing cycles (Canopy Vista).

Chris Taylor

How do you decide when to run a custom and when to run a real card? I have a hard time slowing myself down once I start considering any custom cards.
Literally every time I draft my cube, the 3-0 and the 0-3 players both get to submit a custom card I work with them and add, a la the invitational system from back in the day.

If a card is bad or doesn't fit my goals, I'll cut it. If it's good and does, I'll add it. No point in differentiating customs from real cards there, just make your cube good.

Though in general, if two cards are similar I will try and play non-custom cards where I can, to reign in my complexity budget.

Exceptions to that rule are:
1) Is the custom card I'm adding actually less complex than it's real counterpart (I run a custom Laelia with about half the text, for eg)
2) Do I need the specific changes for archetype reasons (Oh hey this is really similar to an existing card, but it's an enchantment, and I need that)
3) Does this custom card cut down on the number of unique tokens in my token box? (Look my Esika's Chariot makes Wolves and I stand by it)
What are some {B/R} archetypes or themes that people support, that aren't sacrifice/aristocrats? And no creature type matters stuff as well.

It is by far the least diverse color combo in my cube and I don't even know what to do about it.
Madness is obvious, I assume you already have that. There's also more than enough artifact support, although I don't personally support it.
Black and Red are both good storm colors, you can tweak both the enablers and payoffs to support it at varying levels.
Not really an archetype, but No One Left Behind is very cool if you copy it.

Chris Taylor

Full disclosure: I mostly do this because I'm priced into all my archetypes being 3 color, and I do lean on custom cards here a decent amount, but I run BR Prowess as part of Grixis Prowess

If you're going to be jamming your deck full of non-threats (ie instants/sorceries) theres a few ways you can go about it. You can jam a ton of air (cantrips) and lean hard on the few threats in your deck to affect the board enough to get you there, you can jam instants/sorceries that are threats like lingering souls, or you can thoughtseize your opponent :D

Red Prowess cards are mostly obvious at this point, that's well trodden ground, so I'll focus on black cards I like for this deck:

Big Draws:

I double up on Bob, and it's the ultimate card in an aggressive deck like this that wants to trade cardboard for cardboard while beating down.
Sedgemoor Witch is really good, the lifegain on the tokens is non-negligible, she's got a real body you can attack with, and the ward is exactly what you'd want it to be.
Knight is a generically strong card, but we get the added benefit here where if you're running shocklands, you can grow this guy without attacking by paying 2 life to both your land and a thoughtseize. You are gonna want some cheap threats you can ride to victory almost alone (see delver of secrets) and this guy fits the bill quite well

I run some custom criminals as well, but this guy has been really solid. It may look like a gravecrawler, but since you can trigger it with near enough anything, it's less about putting loops together and loading the same creature into goblin bombardment 12 times and more about a consistent threat that can net you an extra card every now and again as you keep throwing removal spells around to keep your opponent on the back foot.

I'm currently on these 4 as a spread @450 cards, so I'm likely due for a 5th and 6th at some point, as most black decks want them.
I really do think the universality of targets these cards provide is crucial, duress and ostracize really do whiff a lot or present some hands where you get a card, but it's a non-decision where you didn't really gain anything, might as well have played Raven's Crime (A card I did cut for similar reasons, retrace be damned)

You are going to want cheap removal. Dial that down to what your cube wants, but if all your 1-for-1s cost 3 mana this deck aint gonna work. Other hits include Vendetta, Snuff Out, Dismember (though more technically, this is way more of a green card than it plays here).

As a last note: Hymn to Tourach would be good here, but I don't run it at the moment. Every other 2 mana mind rot I've ever tried has been really bad, so sadly I do think the feel-bads do provide function here. Take it or leave it.
I have some discard matter cards

Replace Inti with Conspiracy Theorist and you are good to go at your power level.

Some cheat packages

At your power level, the Red cards can stay, but you can experiment with stuff like Dread Return in Black. Adjust your artifact fatties accordingly!

Some spells matter combo

I would be eyeing Tor Wauki the Younger, Grapeshot, Yawgmoth's Will and such for your cube.

I don't support this anymore, but have at one point

Braids, mana rocks, Smallpox, Devastating Dreams, Firestorm these make for an unconventional control deck which I absolutely love.

If you support sacrifice, discard and GY, there is bound to be an artifact deck somewhere

I also like the idea of Prosper, Tome-Bound as a value + ramp engine that you can build around with a bunch of adventure, impluse draw in Red and stuff like Gonti, Lord of Luxury in Black.

That's all I've got so far. Maybe a few more will come to me!