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  1. kidfortoday

    General Battle Box

    That was another aspect that I think was way overrated in the articles I read. Of all these cards I think only Sylvan Caryatid is a candidate for cutting because it fixes, is a relevant body, and very difficult to remove. I do not think having one more mana to work with even in the late game is...
  2. kidfortoday

    General Battle Box

    Cards you would especially recommend/consider cutting? I have only Reverent Mantra, but I get the idea that pitch spells are very good and useful to help people empty their hands, which is somewhat of an issue I think (I'll probably put in a Zombie Infestation for that reason). Skeletal...
  3. kidfortoday

    General Battle Box

    Yeah, land sequencing is probably not that big of a deal in my list, but in my intention the box should be closer to a regular limited format and less of a "crazy" format, so I valued being able to curve out highly, otherwise I feared player would just do nothing for the first few turns and...
  4. kidfortoday

    General Battle Box

    The main thing I think we're doing different is that you have a lot of mana sinks and cards that drastically increase their impact as the game goes on, which is something that I wanted to avoid, and there seems to be a wider spread between the more linear and more complicated cards and...
  5. kidfortoday

    General Battle Box Ok so, this is my list. I've found that games do not necessarily end up being slow grinds if you can have efficient creatures in the 1-3 casting cost slots and keep in check the quality of both removal and fatties. The flow of the games is similar to...
  6. kidfortoday

    General Battle Box

    Hey there, is anyone still interested in this format? I've been putting together my battle box and very much enjoying it, so I was looking for a place to discuss single cards and "design" choices, especially since I've found my experience with it to be somewhat different from what I was...