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  1. Chris Taylor

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Basically. On a long enough timeframe, it's basically got player deathtouch. You just need to make sure it connects, either via something simple like shadow rift or something more esoteric like upheaval. It's perfect for the kind of games where you don't take a single forward game action until...
  2. Chris Taylor

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Yo those are sick actually
  3. Chris Taylor

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    You do, but also sometimes 3/2 plus cascade is just less than what goyf ends up doing for you. It's hella strong, for sure. I got Blightning'd before I untapped on my T2! :D
  4. Chris Taylor

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    Oh I forgot to post my findings: Jund 'Em Out This card is cool, lotta good moments, lot of interesting but not backbreaking variance. I think more cubes can handle the high/low rolls of this card than you might think at first blush. HOWEVER the retrace on this card completely cracks it. My...
  5. Chris Taylor

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    This is usually the method that ends up with something being too high res in the first place IMO :P I've had to "resize" many preview cards like this
  6. Chris Taylor

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Two ways, depending on where you are (Sorry if you're on mac, can't really help you there with specific though the steps will likely be the same) Phone Method: 1) Go into your photo album, navigate to the image in question 2) Take a screenshot of the image (differs per phone model, you can...
  7. Chris Taylor

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    I usually get around this by taking a screenshot of the image, of all things
  8. Chris Taylor

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Anyone saying "That's not how you spell Nimbus maze!" you're just exposing the fact you've never controlled a nimbus maze, only ever looked at the cardfile for future sight, looked at that land and gone "Oh man that's cool, why didn't they do the other 9 of these? Why do Horizon Canopy and Grove...
  9. Chris Taylor

    Sets [DMH] Duskmourn: House of Horror

    Yeah it's played really well so far. Toby as well, giving your tokens flying is a big game, and he's both meaningfully better & worse than blade splicer I'm also interested in the Wandering rescuer, and I run a custom that's really close to come back wrong (1bb instant instead of 2b sorcery...
  10. Chris Taylor

    General CBS

    I mean sure, but is that just the nadu problem writ small? Like they pre-banned Cranial Ram knowing it was going to be a problem, at least Crysalis pushes a previously bad/unknown archetype up?
  11. Chris Taylor

    General CBS

    I mean I'm talking about bans, I hope it's clear I'm talking about constructed :P
  12. Chris Taylor

    General CBS

    Chime in: is mh3 all that problematic with like 1-3 bans? Like sure Nadu is an outlier, bit I think the format might be pretty okay were it removed, the problem currently is they're staunchly refusing to do so until the specific ban window, right?
  13. Chris Taylor

    General CBS

    The cutthroat in question
  14. Chris Taylor

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    I'm not saying he's not contributing, just that he has his biases. I've absorbed a lot of his writing without considering them
  15. Chris Taylor

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    So Mark Rosewater is mostly suspect on the fact that he is a) one of magic's biggest marketing vehicles, and b) also the person who writes the most, bar none about magic design. Word for word he has spilled so much more ink about magic than anyone else on the planet. But you have to take all...
  16. Chris Taylor

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    The real tragedy of this set is realizing that Maro just isn't as funny as Gavin is :P
  17. Chris Taylor

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    I think this card is sick but all it's going to do is start my friends arguing about weather Sol Ring is card advantage again. We found 2024 Countryside Crusher? I like this for 3 reasons: 1) it's a 2/1 so it's a meaningful game object and 2) it can't block, so no fetchland stops their...
  18. Chris Taylor

    Sets [MB2] Mystery Booster 2 previews

    I've seen a few of these cards get posted around so I think we should have a thread for it. A pile of them got posted today, and while the non-reprint cards here are a bit silver bordered feeling, that's never stopped me from including stuff if it plays well. Full spoiler (so far?) is here, let...
  19. Chris Taylor

    General Average Words Per Card

    You know most people would love an invitational card like this :P
  20. Chris Taylor

    General CBS

    Gotta congratulate @landofMordor for becoming @gaytransmulldrifter 's Wario on the most recent episode of luckypaperradio, where he was dubbed Parker "Straight Cis Baneslayer" Lamascus