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  1. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Hey guys, I want to make a few changes to the cube: WU: A bit more flying synergy (flying numbers is good), a bit more cost increasers, some kinds of engine for control decks. WB: More early aggression, specifically in white (needs some 1 mana 2/1s). Needs a bit more lifegain. WR: More early...
  2. CaptnIrony

    Card/Deck Artifact Sweepers

    Boom Pile is one I'd like to sit down with, for 20 minutes and think about how it would actually work in all possible situations. I feel like I'd like it more than I think I would.
  3. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Some more changes I've made: Reassembling Sekeleton -> Bloodghast Evincar's Justice -> Barter in Blood Feeling of Dread -> Judge's Familiar Ambition's Cost -> Damnable Pact Perilous Myr -> Enlightened Tutor (See below) Tormenting Voices -> Faithless Looting Wharf Infiltrator -> Spiketail...
  4. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    My dear Alfonzo, thank you for the feedback! Thank you :) You're right, I had been looking at a few possibilities. Enlightened Tutor and Idyllic Tutor are the two that stood out, but I am not a huge fan of tutors. That being said, the cause of that is EDH, which is not cube, so let's leave...
  5. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Played a 1 vs 1 sealed. There are a few things on my mind atm. - I want a bit more consistency for "Combos". Stuff like the Searing Meditation life-gain deck needs to get Searing Meditation. - I feel like there might be a lack of removal for Artifacts and Enchantments (mostly in RG). - I...
  6. CaptnIrony

    The Penny Pincher Cube 2.0--Inventors' Fair

    Dang I might have to remove it from mine. I'll have a look at other colorless artifacts that fill a similar role.
  7. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Hi all! We drafted for the first time last night. We were 6 and decided to instead play a 6 player game where you can only attack and target the two players to your right and left and a range of influence of two. I ended up winning off like this: Six cards left in the Library, we're five...
  8. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Updated the list a bit and finally received all the cards. Hoping to test it soon! [/IMG]
  9. CaptnIrony

    Dom's Stream of Consciousness

    I've had a similar idea in the past, and I want to make a cube that heavily took advantage of this, in addition to another small change I've wanted to make. I've put in a bit of work into the skeleton, but the idea was a cube that was almost 50% colorless. I was to take the bottom X% of...
  10. CaptnIrony

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I have nothing to contribute. I'd just like to point out this: I've heard the problem with Bx life-pay decks is that you can end up with a deck with no life gain, and just fall over. To me, this didn't seem to be that bad a deal. You do it once, spend the night with what you think is a bad deck...
  11. CaptnIrony

    General Alternative Resource Systems

    True, but you can still tailor your environment to make this less of a problem. I like the hearthstone way/paris mulligan when you can keep parts and send others back. Seems miles ahead of the current one.
  12. CaptnIrony

    General Alternative Resource Systems

    At first I was thinking, "Naw, you trippin', this is fine." Then I remembered how 6 drops looked vs how they look now: WildfireIcatian TownAbyssal Horror vs Wurmcoil EngineTorrential GearhulkCarnage Tyrant Dang, you might be right.
  13. CaptnIrony

    General Alternative Resource Systems

    I accidentally deleted my post and didn't feel like rewriting it yesterday, but, I too have come up with an alternate Mana system, based on Hearthstone. The idea is that every turn, if you've not played a land, as a replacement for your land drop you could play/get a Wastes, tapped. I was...
  14. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    I wanted to differentiate blue and red looting by giving Red smaller looting, more suited for madness, while Blue's would be more conditional, time restricted and expensive. I originally had Faithless Looting, which I had removed because the discarding of two cards made it harder to use with...
  15. CaptnIrony

    The Penny Pincher Cube 2.0--Inventors' Fair

    Drafted this:[/url]"] Ones 1 Lightning Axe Twos 1 Remand 1 Snap 1 Struggle // Survive 1 Trade Routes Threes 1 Drake Haven 1 Ghostly Flicker 1 Pestermite 1 Psionic Blast 1 Shreds of Sanity 1 Sweltering Suns Fours 1 Magnivore 1 Moltensteel Dragon 1...
  16. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    I had the Heart-Piercer Manticore in an earlier version, where Red/Green cared about creature's power. I felt I was lacking a way to buff tokens though, which is why I wanted Hero of Oxid Ridge or Hellrider. I was also thinking Ogre Battledriver, but he seemed too strong, Pursue Glory seemed...
  17. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Set of changes:Out->In Read the Bones->Night's Whisper As discussed above. Pelakka Wurm->Maul Splicer I've now got enough big beaters that I can add the Splicer back in. I think this is a power down, but I'm uncertain. Kitchen Finks->Selesnya Guildmage As discussed above. Llanowar...
  18. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Noted. This makes sense. RG can do things similar with the plethora of cards that want to be discarded/in the graveyard, and the Stormbind/Meteor Storm. I wanted the Mystic Elf equivalents because of the idea of a ramp/reanimate deck (which I think PP1 had) and some UG tempo required them...
  19. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Thank you, I'm glad. As for Drake Haven, I guess it'll stay in for now, while I solidify the idea of what I am doing with the cube. I guess you're right about the reanimation. I was originally thinking I'd have weaker creatures, but went back and added a few stronger ones since I felt the...
  20. CaptnIrony

    A deceptively bad cube

    Thank you for the feedback! I am actually a bit worried that Secrets of the Dead and Drake Haven and both too weak (more like they don't have enough support). I was wanting to do something with Toxic Deluge that might have been a bad idea. I wanted to make Black control hemorrhage life. A large...