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  1. dbs

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    You know, I hadn't considered this card... I run double Trinket Mage with Scrap Trawler, and Salvaging Station. Plus I've been trying to limit the power level of sweepers (e.g. no 4 mana unconditional board wipes), but as a result sometimes people have trouble with the number of tokens that show...
  2. dbs

    General ETB Combo Archetype

    It looks like someone drafted (or maybe forced - thank for you testing if that's the case!) the creature version of the archetype on my cubetutor:[/url]"] Zeroes 1 Mox Pearl Ones 1 Ponder 1 Sensei's Divining Top 1 Sensei's Divining Top Twos 1 Beck // Call...
  3. dbs

    General ETB Combo Archetype

    Oh sure, this seems like a reasonable analysis. I've drafted my particular environment around 20 times in the last 6 months, and when I say I think LED and Junk Diver are too strong, I mean in the context of my intuition about the decks people build and how the games play out. I'm not trying to...
  4. dbs

    General ETB Combo Archetype

    I'm considering this as a possible set of inclusions to support this overlap: Skyscanner Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle Kor Skyfisher Hangarback Walker Kuldotha Forgemaster Emancipation Angel Wall of Omens Skullclamp Dispeller's Capsule I think the following cards are probably too strong, at...
  5. dbs

    General ETB Combo Archetype

    A Roaring Primadox deck sounds like a reasonable approach to recycling creature casts + ETBs once per turn in a lower power environment. But frankly even in a Grillo-style cube isn't it pretty bad? Like compare that to Oversold Cemetery, Genesis, Key to the City + Drake Haven, Fangren Marauder +...
  6. dbs

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    I tried way harder than I should have to try to make a non-graveyard-based land combo deck for my cube looking at: Amulet of Vigor Karametra, God of Harvests Sakura-Tribe Scout Azusa, Lost but Seeking Primeval Titan Trade Routes and things of that nature but I just couldn't make it work...
  7. dbs

    Card/Deck Blue-Red Spells-a-Turn

    My cube is more-or-less entirely built around spell velocity. That means my views on this issue are warped because basically every color and every deck supports this archetype and therefore I end up with a very wide net of overlapping synergies. That being said I've still had to deal with...
  8. dbs

    General ETB Combo Archetype

    I integrated this theme into my cube and drafted (i.e. forced) the following list:[/url]"] Zeroes 1 Mishra's Bauble 1 Mox Emerald 1 Mox Pearl Ones 1 Ancient Stirrings 1 Ponder Twos 1 Beck // Call 1 Grim Monolith 1 Helm of Awakening 1 Whitemane Lion...
  9. dbs

    General Vakeztan - A Riptide Lap-Set

    As an engineer (I'm sure there are many of us here), my word of caution would be: Try not to do too much design up front because most of it will be wrong. In my experience, it'st most effective to rush to actionable test cases as quickly as possible, and then use that to guide further design...
  10. dbs

    The 180 Beginner Cube (v3!)

    Love this project, but in an extremely-Riptide response, I'm going to point out a few cards that seem like their significantly higher power-level than the other cards in the cube: Flametongue Kavu Ravenous Chupacabra Harmonize It feels like this has the potential to cause some feel-bad...
  11. dbs

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Is this even a low power card? Doesn't it just completely hose any deck that intends to curve out with creatures? Or am I incorrect assessing it by assuming it will come down consistently on turn 2?
  12. dbs

    General ETB Combo Archetype

    I'm working on building a new archetype into my cube. In a standard cube, Enter the Battlefield decks or Flicker decks are almost exclusively midrange-y value decks, so in the design of my combo cube I strayed away from building these in as themes. However, a lot of the basis of combo archetypes...
  13. dbs

    General [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica

    We've only had this card in the cube for one draft, but I managed to grab it, and this was kinda my experience. I had the card in a very fast deck featuring: Jeskai Ascendancy Mana Flare Frantic Search Turnabout Enlightened Tutor Fatestitcher Monastery Mentor Young Pyromancer I found that...
  14. dbs

    Card/Deck Mono Black Devotion/Control

    I've found mono-color to be pretty bad both in my traditional cubes in the past, and with my current combo environment. It comes down to a couple things: 1) It's fundamentally less interesting to draft a mono-color archetype. You have far fewer choices. Mono-color deckbuilding is interesting...
  15. dbs

    The Mox Cube

    Engines / Support / Overlap Again following in Inscho's footsteps: 6 card images per archetype. I'm dividing it 2-2-2 into engine/payoff cards, support cards, and then two cards that demonstrate the way the archetypes overlap. Sometimes things don't perfectly line up this way, but I did my...
  16. dbs

    The Penny Pincher Cube 2.0--Inventors' Fair

    In a 20 bounceland environment, Thespian's Stage is an odd but consistent little ramp package... but isn't that super inside-baseball-y, if you know what I mean? Naively, people would be looking to line it up with lands with activated abilities: I imagine you'd basically have to pull it out and...
  17. dbs

    The Mox Cube

    Cube Update: I made a small cube update - mostly stealing ideas from Inscho. The changes are as follows: Forbid --> Disallow Forbid felt unfun and extremely linear. I wanted to replace it with a 3 mana counter, and disallow seemed like it would be an interesting choice given how backbreaking...
  18. dbs

    Inscho's Graveyard Combo Cube

    I'm gonna post an update on new cards and our latest cube draft, but I wanted to emphasize one finding here first: Protean Hulk This card really lived up to my expectations in the recurring sacrifice combo decks. I think nearly every time I cast the Hulk, I ended up getting two Hulk triggers...
  19. dbs

    General Cards that are p1p1 but are not GRBS?

    This post really sings the song of my heart. Especially Sylvan Library. Every time I grab it, my esteem for it goes even higher. I think my record was first picking it (not necessarily pack one) in four consecutive drafts.
  20. dbs

    Inscho's Graveyard Combo Cube

    Oh, I absolutely agree. Part of this exercise was justifying Lich's Mastery being a good inclusion for me lol. But more generally, I was trying to sketch out the overlapping deck-building space of mill, reanimator, sacrifice, lifegain, and artifacts, and how those can all variably bleed into one...