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  1. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Rasmus builds a medium power cube

    Great changes. Particularly like nissa's pilgrimage here
  2. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck The Selesnya Conclave (GW)

    Sounds interesting, do you have a list?
  3. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck The Selesnya Conclave (GW)

    This is my favourite mirari's wake Selesyna guildmage is my number two, but I'm finding it difficult to fixate on a third I really like.
  4. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General Fight Club

    apostle's blessing Gods willing Shelter vines of vastwood Blossoming defense Thinking specifically about these in the context of disruption for aggro decks. What do you reckon? Anything else which might be better?
  5. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General Prison in Cube

    If you were going to pursue prison, which I'm not sure I'd recommend, is the question, what prison is the most interactive, if such a thing is possible.
  6. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    This would seem pretty terrible in a bounce land environment. Memnarch seems fine James. Not much fun for the opponent, but a fine win condition that should be deal able with with the right tools.
  7. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck The Rakdos Cult (BR)

    Seems very high power, fireblast sort of level. Would imagine a case of if you don't have removal you're probably going to die quite quickly.
  8. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    You're a good egg.
  9. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Onderzeboot, why have you forsaken me? Thanks for the reminder about noxious revival. I like being able to bleed effects into colourless as I think it enables more consistency and creative decks. See also pyrexian metamorph. Heres some bonus content triangle of war Was looking for more...
  10. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General Fight Club

    supernatural stamina Undying evil
  11. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck The Rakdos Cult (BR)

    Yeah, think I will give it a whirl. Also pyromancers goggles, sunforger synergy. I like that command has incidental artifact destruction, and I live jamming more raise deads in but it is duuuuuull.
  12. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck The Rakdos Cult (BR)

    How do we feel about unlicensed disintegration It goes against my normal policy of avoiding simple removal spells in gold, but I like both the simplicity and encouraging artifact interactions/deck content. I wonder if I have a bit of a problem in rakdos. I have: * self discard...
  13. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General Unstable Spoiler Unthread

    Yeah, I quite like the idea of Angelic Rocket, not too powerful, and good ramp top end (esp. simic) and artifact synergies. Also like the look of:
  14. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

    Can we talk about snare Thopter I kind of like this as an aggressive card that works for all colour pairings, and is evasive. But my magic senses can't get over how low powered it feels. Onderzeboot, I see that you play it, what's your experiences with it?
  15. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Okay, looking for a green and white card that signals/supports/top end for control style ramp decks. Already have mirari's wake. Have trostanis summoner, but want to replace it. Any suggestions?
  16. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General Fight Club

    Keep the Scrounger. So much. Would play in rw. Drop Highborn Flash guy Rat Scrivener
  17. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General Archetype Discussion - Boros Artifact Aggro

    power matrix Sunforger
  18. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General Archetype Discussion - Boros Artifact Aggro

    I've been working along these lines too. Will reply later, but for now piston sledge
  19. Alfonzo Bonzo

    General "Looking for a card"-Thread

    The only one of those I really like is angelic skirmisher. Other 6+ creatures I like: adarkar Valkyrie Sentinel of the eternal watch Yosei, the morning star Emeria shepherd Eternal dragon Angel of salvation They are all pretty cool, fun and relatively lower powered.
  20. Alfonzo Bonzo

    Card/Deck The Golgari Swarm (BG)

    Vince is back!