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  1. N

    General Who's the beatdown - my college project

    Great! I just wanted to point you to Patrick Chapin's book and Reed Duke's Level One as those kind of the very few 'real' books, with sections on role assignment.
  2. N

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    Is this the first 2/2 flyer for 1W after Giada and also at uncommon? I like that it is a relevant ability for w decks, too. 3w would have been great, but probably too much for the base body.
  3. N

    Sets [FDN] Foundations (a new Core Set)

    I haven't seen this being posted here. It seems pretty pushed for an uncommon. Two strong and synergetic abilities on one card. I like it.
  4. N

    Sets (OTJ) Outlaws of Thunder Junction Previews

    I like this 'little' guy very much for my peasant cube. Kind of does it all. Can be ramped into, even in the RG 'fires' deck, discards itself and rewards with some life so reanimate does not hurt as much, the discards ability can also be used in the UG flash decks, protects itself... . I think I...
  5. N

    Unstable Cubicorns– TrainmasterGT's Low Complexity Battle Box.

    That's what I anticipated as you have a couple of gy matters cards. I really like your concept. Did you consider limiting effects like only etb, no activated abilities or abilities that require tapping to limit on board complexity resp. timing complexity?
  6. N

    Unstable Cubicorns– TrainmasterGT's Low Complexity Battle Box.

    Do you also play with a shared graveyard?
  7. N

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    But it also has the upside of not being abysmal when countered as the discard is on etb.