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  1. Chriskool

    The Orzhov Oppression Cube (Color Imbalance, 360 Non-Powermax)

    Ecumenopolis Enslaved: The Orzhov Oppression Cube Check out the visual spoiler courtesy of CubeTutor The Idea A color-pair-skewed cube constructed to operate similarly to other cubes (shuffle up 360 and deal 15-card packs) with a heavy morph focus. Think Judgment if it had been made...
  2. Chriskool

    General Modal "Dual" Lands // Trilands

    Now edited to maybe make some sense! {W/P}_{W/P} I have been trying out tri lands from KTK and ALA as modal, ETBT duals, but my players don't intuitively view them the same. What are the pros and cons to including (essentially) lands with this text in a cube (beyond the slowness associated...
  3. Chriskool

    [Feedback/Tuning] SOMROE (Fantasy Set)

    Thanks to and inspiration from fun memories, Grillo_Parlantes’s ”Penny Pincer Cube” project (particularly the artifact/golem themes, bounce-land mentality and to all of the folks that assisted with the project), and to tilt_aint_sexy, grapplingfarang and AlmightyGnat for testing sealed with me...
  4. Chriskool

    Fantasy "Set" Design (Using Existing MTG Cards)

    Hello everyone! I figure this is the best place to discuss this project, as it isn't exactly a cube, but it puts to use a cube-builder's tool kit (and the community here seems earnest and invested). Based loosely on the set design of Modern and Vintage Masters (color-pair archetypes and...