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  1. jms

    General Cards that make you say "Yo!!" (i.e., cards that make you want to play a certain deck)

    I'm mostly allergic to this second type, but the following can draw me in. Survival of the FittestBirthing PodNatural OrderEldritch Evolution
  2. jms

    Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

    This has been one of the toughest cards to evaluate (without yet playing it). I suspect it will be more fun than Pod because looking at the top seven is less deterministic and X or less is more flexible. The fact that you don't search you deck/it's less deterministic makes it weaker than Pod...
  3. jms

    Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

    I could imagine Slash Panther running through the Woodlands on a particularly dry, arid day.
  4. jms

    Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

    I should have noted the jocular phrasing of "Bear King" in your reply ;)
  5. jms

    Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

    My favorite thing about this card may not be the card itself, but the following poke-the-bear moment. Nothing like some playful trolling to appease this regal urso.
  6. jms

    Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

    Maybe I'm pedestrian, but Tamiyo looks exciting. Block for a little while, play a Brainstorm at the end of your opponent's turn, and then go to town.
  7. jms

    Sets (OTJ/BIG/OTC/OTP) Outlaws of Thunder Junction & The Big Score Mega Testing and Includes Thread!

    The HAS-WoTC plan, in addition to selling you cards you already own, is to print new cards so quickly that your gaggle can't flock in time for your goose to produce.
  8. jms

    Sets (OTJ/BIG/OTC/OTP) Outlaws of Thunder Junction & The Big Score Mega Testing and Includes Thread!

    Well, one of my gripes with Wurmcoil--and why it's not in the cube despite probably being of an appropriate power level--is that it's so effective and everyone can play it. Slippery slope, I know, because there're plenty of cards in the cube with subjectively undesirable play patterns, but at...
  9. jms

    Sets (OTJ/BIG/OTC/OTP) Outlaws of Thunder Junction & The Big Score Mega Testing and Includes Thread!

    For the 360: Harvester of Misery - The only thing that scares me about this card is how quickly and easily it can enter the battlefield ahead of schedule (while leveling everything else), but it's a terrific and flavorful design. Assuming it's played on curve, it has to instantly be in the...
  10. jms

    General (MKM, MKC, CLU) Murders at Karlov Manor Testing/Includes Mega Thread!

    180-card synergy cube Including: Sludge Titan I'm in love with the sludge. Maybe: Case of the Crimson Pulse It's got potential, assuming I want to introduce a case to the cube. Probably not: Reckless DetectiveGalvanizeAftermath AnalystEcstatic Electromancer Less exciting, my 360 will...
  11. jms

    Jason's 180-card synergy cube

    Just before the release of MKM (and when isn't it just before the release of something), I've finished a large update to my 180-cube. A more cohesive theme is running throughout the cube in the form of playing with graveyard and exile zone synergies. Adventures, blinking and reanimating...
  12. jms

    Eco's Terrarium

    I like how your list looks, and I looked at it with particular interest because I'm on my own path to building a 180-card cube as well. At first pass, I think the largest number of power outliers exist within white, black, and red, and tokens/going wide looks well supported. With this in mind...
  13. jms

    Jason's 180-card synergy cube

    This is some great feedback. I think these criticisms pick up on learned tendencies (power over synergy, redundancy over divergence of threat presentation). I'll tinker with my list, and I especially like the ideas of Rielle, one of the Goblins, and Ogre-Head Helm. (I've never even seen the...
  14. jms

    Jason's 180-card synergy cube

    Thanks for the draft! I like how you managed to fit in a light madness theme as well. I think it's going to be a challenge to hit the redundancy that aggro really needs to be successful in a 180-card cube without cutting powerful mid/late game cards and engines. Perhaps by making some room with...
  15. jms

    Jason's 180-card synergy cube

  16. jms

    Jason's 180-card synergy cube

    Hi folks, I've lurked on Riptide for many years, and I've finally registered and created thread to share a cube...and ask for some help. Jason's 4-Player Synergy Cube (Bar/Travel/Twobert) is my attempt at fusing a synergistic environment with a smaller, 180-card sized cube. Consistent with...
  17. jms