My original cube was very much designed for me - high complexity budget, intricate synergy, cute cards. However, the stark reality is that I do not currently have a play group that can support this kind of cube. Any play has been 1v1 between me and my definitely-not-an-enfranchised-magic-player partner, which has laid bare how important managing a complexity budget is.So in the interests of actually playing more cube, I built a new one aimed at the audience I can consistently play with:
- 180 cards - Use all the cards when grid/pancake drafting with two players, but also supports four players using 5 packs of 9 cards.
- All five colours - I know many smaller cubes cut one or two colours to increase competition in draft. I might do this some day, but I am sticking with all 5 for now; albeit with relatively few artifacts as their flexibility is less valuable when there is less competition for on-colour picks.
- Lower complexity budget - cards should be grokkable, not too wordy, and easy to understand why it's good. Avoid having just one instance of a complex mechanic. All cards in english with reminder text where possible and no weird card frames.
- Higher individual power/lighter synergy - easier to build and play solid decks, ideally with some synergy sprinkled in for spice and to help players to feel smart.
- Midrange focus - Losing to a rock/paper/scissors matchup in a two player format is lame, so try to make decks more midrangey to have more back and forth games. I do want a spectrum here to allow more-aggressive decks to exist to avoid maximum raw value being the top dog. Painful mana-fixing to discourage too much soup.
- Matching removal to threats - cheap removal kills cheap guys, removal that kills big guys is more expensive. I am also trying to avoid "must kill" threats that snowball, at least unless appropriate time/mana has been invested in them.
- Not a bar cube - I'm a big fan of the bar cube zeitgeist, but this although this is 180 cards it is not a bar cube. So sleeves/counters/tokens allowed.
The cube has succeeded in its primary goal of getting played, and the lower complexity budget has been well received. Synergy has been "discovered" to the delight of less experienced players. The games have usually had ebb and flow: rarely over too fast or coming down to protracted top-deck wars. No-one has yet endured a genuine trainwreck,There are certainly areas to improve, such as a few power outliers (e.g. Baneslayer, Thundermaw, Virtue of Loyalty, Ethereal Forager? Bitterblossom?) and maybe the token synergy is a bit too on the nose. But ultimately I am very happy with this as an initial draft - even a broad power band with huge bombs can make for exciting games so long as it's not too frequent.