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  1. dbs

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Fastbond Gush Mystic Sanctuary Lion's Eye Diamond Urza's Saga
  2. dbs

    Nanonox's 1vs1 cube

    These decklists look sick - they ooze character.
  3. dbs

    General CBS

    I find Reanimate in particular a very powerful, flexible, and efficient midrange card. There are lots of cute ways to use it, including stealing your opponent's guys. Reanimating your cyclers to get typically 4+/4+ power and toughness for 1 mana is very efficient. I'm strongly considering...
  4. dbs

    Mox Cube v2

    Had a chance to do 1v1 testing with deck sketches I brewed up. These are all meant to be roughly representative of the kind of deck that can be drafted in our 4 player setup. Got some useful feedback going into our in-person draft next week. The decks were Ones 1 Solitude 1 Mental Misstep 1...
  5. dbs

    Mox Cube v2

    I'm back to cubing for a bit! Hoping to grow our playgroup by recruiting some incoming grad students, but in the meantime we're getting the old group back together. I made an update with a laser focus on consistency. I don't want the various combos decks...
  6. dbs

    General CBS

    Getting the dedicated combo versus dedicated disruption match-up right is extremely hard. I think it ends up converging to higher and higher power. On the one hand, to avoid lines like "you just lose to Drowned Secrets" you need some super high quality disruption - whatever it may be, Nature's...
  7. dbs

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Yeah, I "banned" it and then ended up un-banning it once my power-level had advanced by enough. It's an absolute bomb, but in my format that's what you should expect at 5 mana. You need to meet certain land/creature ramp criteria to make a 5 drop playable once the speed gets high enough - in...
  8. dbs

    General Show me your discard and graveyard synergies

    I ran it for a draft or two but never really gave it a chance because it didn't get picked. I think part of the issue is that UR spells decks are usually all 0/1/2 mana and you don't really want to play a 3 drop that draws you cards. This includes the UR decks that want to do something like...
  9. dbs

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    Right now I like having Bridge as a fun-of in my list, but I can see cutting it. It requires that you (1) can fill your yard (2) can sacrifice your creatures. That's a relatively narrow criterion (there's not many types of decks that do both of these). But these are criterion you might...
  10. dbs

    General Show me your discard and graveyard synergies

    Honestly, a lot of the cards you mention are super playable at a very high power level OR lower power level. The big difference is with singleton, you need to stretch farther afield for consistency (to make GR madness a thing for example), and so the final product ends up being most natural at a...
  11. dbs

    General Show me your discard and graveyard synergies

    I couldn't find an obvious Madness thread, so I'm going to post here. I'm toying with the following colorless discard package for high-powered. Containment Construct Containment Construct Lion's Eye Diamond Lion's Eye Diamond Hollow One Hollow One Bazaar of Baghdad Bazaar of Baghdad I'm...
  12. dbs

    General Fight Club

    I love Underworld Breach as an enchantment. The possible disruption mid-combo has been super relevant for us. I also like that it works with permanent recursion. But anyway, the flavor on Breach as a permanent that disappears at end of turn is so good. It's a literal underworld breach that...
  13. dbs

    Mox Cube v2

    Finally got around to doing another in-person draft after several delays (busy schedules and omicron). This time we finally tested the spell velocity update which I outlined here. At least two of the decks were heavily focused on casting as many spells as possible and I think they both nicely...
  14. dbs

    Erik's "The cool side of Magic" cube

    I think you want to envision the type of decks that would be playing these cards. Then you can ask: how many copies of this effect would these decks need to function? Fortunately, I think the answer is usually "not many." Life from the Loam works great as a 1-of in a green midrange deck that...
  15. dbs

    General CBS

    (to the theme of let's get down to business): let's go off the deep end Ones 1 Memnite 1 Mox Sapphire 1 Mox Ruby 2 Mental Misstep 1 Lion's Eye Diamond 2 Lotus Petal 1 Mishra's Bauble Twos 1 Noble Hierarch 1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch 1 Hope of Ghirapur 2 Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar 1...
  16. dbs

    Erik's "The cool side of Magic" cube

    I think in the past I have underappreciated just how hard it is for mana doubler + untap lands to be a consistent plan. Heartbeat and Mana Flare are quite bad (3 is expensive when you can only play them the turn you're going off). But even if you have high tide PLUS heartbeat PLUS mana flare...
  17. dbs

    General Weekly Fun Q: Worst card to lose to & best to win with?

    Worst: Time Vault Voltaic Key This one tilts me a little bit every time. I think its because each card is colorless and super cheap so the win feels extremely disconnected from anything that was happening up until that point. Best: Jeskai Ascendancy For each of your turns you get to feel...
  18. dbs

    "Fast" multiplayer cube

    Looks like you already have enough ambient graveyard support to make these a frictionless include. Like you already have e.g. Reclaimer + LftL. Flooting, Welder, Engineer, Breach. Bloodghast, Dread Return. Plenty of pieces across colors (RG, or BG) and across your other themes (lands, artifacts...
  19. dbs

    Mox Cube v2

    More Singleton Breaks So far, my most successful singleton breaks have been on (1) cheap removal (bolt, swords); (2) free counterspells (force, mental misstep); (3) fast mana (dark ritual, lotus petal); (4) cantrips (abundant harvest, preordain); and (5) one drop creatures. Basically, I'm not...
  20. dbs

    Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

    I'm guessing that the play pattern to worry about as the power level gets lower is this: first you use Saga as a land drop to cast your 3 or 4 drop. Then the next two turns you make 2 creatures with power between 3 and 5. So you might have to worry about taxing removal suites and gumming up the...