EDIT 7/26/21: Cube massively updated and link switched over to CubeCobra
EDIT 4/14/16: The stuff below is 3 years old and will be updated when I'm ready to sit down and type for infinite hours again. The link above is more up to date.
Detailed Notes / Discussion Points / More of the Above
3/28 Edits: In case someone is randomly reading this, I'm going to be using this space temporarily to draft up a new cube blog before posting it in a new thread.
600 Cards = 3/5 of the pool per 8 person draft. No particular rhyme or reason. I like the increased variation and 600 is nice and round.
Unpowered / No Planeswalkers (except for the W/U/B transform creatures): Long ago, my cube started this way as a nod to budget considerations. While that's no longer a concern, the no planeswalkers paradigm has grown to define my cube. Designing around this stipulation and in conjunction with my other biases has led a pretty different cube format. The main takeaway here is that no planeswalkers opens up space for other repeatable value engines, and my cube has them in spades.
EDIT 7/26/21: Cube massively updated and link switched over to CubeCobra
EDIT 4/14/16: The stuff below is 3 years old and will be updated when I'm ready to sit down and type for infinite hours again. The link above is more up to date.
• 560 = approximately 2/3 of the pool per draft. I find the redraft variation exciting and believe it outweighs the larger range in power level and an increased inconsistency for a specific archetype.
• Unpowered / No Planeswalkers : I am poor
. On a more serious note... I could proxy them, but Power feels too swingy for what I am trying to make. Planeswalkers might not be too much, but I started without them for budget reasons and I do not particularly miss them. Not having 10-15ish extra life gain spells also makes aggro intrinsically better.
• No fast mana rocks that make more than they cost.
• 50%+ creatures!!
• Cards I wish were cheaper for cube / I will get...eventually:
• Thoughtseize
• Cards I am considering make room for:
• (7/20) - Coastal Piracy (Nothing screams play creatures in blue more. Probably cutting Capsize? Because nothing screams do nothing in blue more. and I already have enough control slanted elements.)
• Imposing Sovereign (Most likely replacing Gather the Townsfolk)
• Ankh of Mishra (Might not need it since I recently added Jinxed Idol instead)
• Stinkweed Imp (Dredge 5 is a lot, but I am not sure it has enough synergy with the rest of the cube)
• Samurai of the Pale Curtain (I like the effect, but the body is so so)
• The goal of my cube is to have the most interesting draft format possible by supporting a broad range of archetypes and synergies.
(My newest iteration tries to stretch that as much as possible by including tribal and a "creatures dying" theme.)
• Archetypes and Themes I try to support (besides the obvious) [and interesting choices for the idea]:
• Tokens (Wbrg): Intangible Virtue, Mentor of the Meek, Undercity Informer, Goblin Sharpshooter, Overrun, Assemble the Legion, Sprouting Thrinax, Master Biomancer
• Soldiers (Wu): War Falcon, Preeminent Captain, Enlistment Officer, Lu Xun, Scholar General, Sun Ce, Young Conquerer, Lavinia of the Tenth
• Blue Creatures/Aggro/Tempo (Uwr): Cloudfin Raptor, Grand Architect, Sun Ce, Young Conquerer, Aven Mindcensor, Jilt
• Spells Matter/Free Spells/Storm (URg): Gush, Guttersnipe, Rift Bolt, Search for Tomorrow, Nostalgic Dreams, Goblin Electromancer, Desperate Ravings, Aurelia's Fury
• Artifact Deck (URb): Grand Architect, Executioner's Capsule, Pyrite Spellbomb, Trading Post, Contagion Clasp, Thopter Foundry
• Recursive Creatures (BGr): Nether Traitor, Haakon, Stromgald Scourge, Undead Gladiator, Pyrewild Shaman, Masked Admirers, Rot Farm Skeleton
• Creature Death (B): Promise of Bunrei, Kalastria Highborn, Pawn of Ulamog, Falkenrath Noble, Quest for the Gravelord, Grave Pact, Blade of the Bloodchief,
• Sacrifice Stuff (BR): Fanatical Devotion, Viscera Seer, Ember Hauler, Devastating Summons, Kuldotha Rebirth, Furnace Celebration, Jinxed Idol, Spawning Pit, Sword of the Meek
• Heavy Black Control/Life Gain Support (Bw): Necropotence, Blood Artist, Contagion, Consuming Vapors, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Crypt Ghast, Timely Reinforcements, Tithe Drinker, Gerrard's Verdict, Trading Post
• Dredge/Self Mill/Graveyard Recursion (BG): Undercity Informer, Oversold Cemetery, Nostalgic Dreams, Grave Tutor, Golgari Grave-Troll, Spider Spawning, Rot Farm Skeleton, Altar of Dementia
• Goblins (R): Goblin Ritual, Goblin Tutor, Goblin Stampede, Goblin Bombardment, Goblingoat Ranger, Goblin Shock, Goblin Growth, Goblin Epochrasite, Goblin Procession, Goblin of Oxid Ridge, Gobliny Warp
• Big Red/Red Control (R): Wildfire, Crater Hellion, Slagstorm, Ember Hauler, Aurelia's Fury, Assemble the Legion
• Sweet Combat Tricks (Gur): Scryb Ranger, Briarhorn, Yeva, Nature's Herald, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Simic Charm, Jilt, Lightning Bolt
• Deciever Exarch/Pestermite/Restoration Angel/Zealous Conscripts + Kiki-Jiki, the Mirror Breaker, Splinter Twin
• Body Double/Phyrexian Metamorph/Phantasmal Image + Sacrifice Outlet + Reveillark + Value in the graveyard
• Necropotence + Trading Post
• Dream Halls + Spells
• Storm
Detailed Notes / Discussion Points / More of the Above
(Warning: Too much text ahead...)
• I really like a lot of the cross synergies the new iteration has.
• Tokens work so well both aggressively with anthems, and in conjunction with the numerous sacrifice outlets / things that want creatures to die.
• Gather the Townsfolk is a little loose. I will probably replace it with Imposing Sovereign. What I really want is a 2/2 Soldier that brings two 0/1 s when it enters.
• I made sure to push enter the battlefield effects in more colors to broaden the blink deck. Red, especially, wants more sweet ETB effects because Splinter Twin is such a good value card. This reasoning led me to reinclude Ember Hauler as one of my "aggro" two drops because it fits into so many more decks. Red based control loves to have him as a blocker. He works with Splinter Twin and Kiki-Jiki, the Mirror Breaker so much better than Gore-House Chainwalker. He works really well with Furnace Celebration. If you want to make red deeper than straight aggro, then you have to make the appropriate power reductions. Do you include Kalonian Tusker in green just because it has raw stats? Lotus Cobra is not as big, but it can still be really good an aggressive deck...and conveniently enough it fits into other decks too. Same thing with Ember Hauler.
• A 2/2 First Strike and 2/3 First Strike do not seem completely abysmal for my cube's power level (hey, they work well with cheap equipment)....and they are the only really questionable inclusions in order to support a small soldiers theme, so I think it is worth a shot.
• In my cube, the strength of blue's cheap creatures is evasion. They get to be near the top of the food chain since I do not play the soltaris in white. Combining them with counters brings a different flavor of aggro to the table and it has been worth it for us thus far. Cheap equipment (or Rancor) is probably the best support for them. Conveniently enough, Trinket Mage can get Bonesplitter, Adventuring Gear, and Blade of the Bloodchief.
• Spell matter/free spells has been catching on lately, but the consensus seems to be that the power level is not there yet. Lucky for me, I do not care about their opinion. My group has enjoyed it. I have first picked Mystical Tutor looking to go into a spell heavy deck only to be cut off from the right because the guy first picked Talrand, Sky Summoner. Goblin Electromancer is SWEET for this strategy. He is also fine for a regular control deck and absurd in storm. Sweet card, not too much of the poison principle, try it? (Aside: Goblin Electromancer + Young Pyromancer + lots of Think Twice for standard anyone?)
• The new framework for my black section seems a little underpowered but it also seems like it has a LOT of synergy, both internally and more importantly, with other colors. I have not tested it in full yet, but I have high hopes. I tried the pox idea for a while, but a lack of cross color synergy meant that was not as interesting to draft. I got a bunch of these ideas from Cooperfaus's list (Kalastria Highborn/Undercity Informer/Pawn of Ulamog off the top of my head), but I want to point out that in my opinion Grave Pact seems A LOT better than Attrition. Attrition is a lot more oppressive and it does not even do anything against black decks. Futhermore, I am not sure how many people want Attrition if they cannot abuse it. Grave Pact on the other hand is just a good card that someone can use to dominate a creature heavy mirror (like some people did with modern Jund before BBE banning). Granted, I am playing Contamination...but least it is harder to set up. Also, yes I know, Cooperfaus includes much more than vampires for Kalastria Highborn, but I do have 23ish vampires (lol, including changelings) which should be enough? In any case, as with soldiers, the other vampires are not completely far-fetched, so again, I am comfortable with a small inclusion to support the tribal.
• Free spells play very well into Necropotence
(surprise), so getting to support both with some of my choices is sweet. I imagine life gain support also makes Necropotence better in my cube than the average cube. I am not sure life gain is for every cube, but I feel like I can get away with it because of a lack of planeswalkers. Timely Reinforcements is kind of just Ajani Vengeant in a way. Except Ajani Vengeant does not get countered by Legion Loyalist.
• Altar of Dementia is definitely a HUGE question mark, but theoretically it fits into multiple decks so I have to try. (A token/recursive creature deck can use it to deck the opponent; a dredge / graveyard deck can use it to enable...and then deck the opponent.)
• I might want Stinkweed Imp as another enabler for various decks. I already have enough do-nothing black cards though, so I am not sure about adding another one.
• Gobliiiiiins. There is just a lot of synergy there. Aggro decks. Control decks. Midrange decks. Combo decks. They also work well with Splinter Twin and Furnace Celebration as mentioned above. Splinter Twin my Goblin Matron? Yes please. Also, did you know Goblin Welder's "exchange" means you sacrifice the artifact? Why yes, I would love to weld my Perilous Myr into a Contagion Clasp with a Furnace Celebration I going too deep here? I have not tried out Furnace Celebration, but I did have a deck with Trading Post instead. Sacrifice my Perilous Myr, draw a card. Weld my Sword of the Meek away for Perilous Myr....which brings the Sword of the Meek back.
Synergyyyyyyyy. Uhhh Goblins also work well with each other.
• Goblins also make red control work because Goblin Matron -> Kiki-Jiki, the Mirror Breaker -> profit.
• Green aggro is usually not a thing because it does not have reach/tricks/it just tries to stomp. So "combat tricks" is me trying to push its color pie. It seems to work out for us. I am guessing that is because my cube has a lot more creatures and combat than others cubes do. Also, proportionally less instant speed removal maybe? This also makes it play really well with blue.
• Ahhhh combo. I include it in cube because I believe it is part of a fun draft experience to be able to put together a "super synergy"--an super powerful interaction you cannot normally get from draft. It adds an extra dimension to drafting without much cost. At least for the small combos....
• Storm on the other hand...requires well planned support. is not that difficult. Think of cube storm as Modern Masters storm. The goal is usually NOT to Grapeshot your opponent for 20. Empty the Warrens for 8-10 goblins will usually suffice. (Hey guess what? That also supports token decks!) Similarly, if you are playing a heavy black control deck with Necropotence, Tendrils of Agony for 10 is plenty of life and cards to win you the game. Brain Freeze, however, is the hardest to make work, since it either gets the job done or it does not. Such is the trade off for being disgustingly cheap. Anyway, thinking about it in the way I described might make you more comfortable in supporting "storm"...
How did I support storm in my cube? (and What cards are good in storm?/How does one draft storm?)
• Cloud of Faeries - It is a cheap tempo creature for aggressive blue; it is an ok to decent Azorius Charm (it trades for an early attacker / cycles) for control decks; and it is a nice support card for storm. It can be an early game speed bump, draw you into better action, or feed storm count and potentially ramp.
• Grand Architect - If you have not already noticed from above, I really like this guy. He fits into two different niche archetypes with ease, and it turns out he can support storm too. A full dedicated storm deck (you intend to kill, unlike what I described above) is usually a form of a ramp/big mana + control deck hybrid, but instead of casting a huge threat, you are casting a lot of small things that end up finishing them instantly. Anyhow, this guy is a blue Worn Powerstone that blocks and turns your other defensive cantrips like Augur of Bolas and Sea Gate Oracle into mana too. (And conveniently enough, into better blockers as well.) Sure, he is restricted to artifacts, but those are everywhere (at least in my list) and you are already looking to pick up all the artifact mana anyway. Even casting one mana rock to build up and one on the turn you go off is a fine contribution. This ritual even saved you some life.
• Deciever Exarch/Pestermite - Untapping a Gilded Lotus or Basalt Monolith is huge. AND they play fine defense early on. aaaand they are part of other combos. aaaaaaaaaaaaand they are great in tempo decks that want to be playing in the opponent's end step.
• Riftwing Cloudskate - Just as good as it is in Modern Masters. Free storm, good defense, can even count for 2 spells on the storm turn (bouncing something cheap of yours).
• Gush - An amazing free spell that draws more spells and maybe a land drop you did not have. Also supports the spells matter theme and helps tempo decks refuel for free.
• Brainstorm/Mystical Tutor - They are not as amazing cube as in constructed...except in storm because when you need it, you need it now. Also, setting up the top of your deck or hiding away what you need is great if you're about to draw a new hand.
• Remand/Snapcaster Mage/Regrowth/Nostalgic Dreams - These double your storm count, given you have enough mana. That is RIDICULOUS. If you want a full kill, these are the cards you NEED. These are the cards that really tell me I should go storm. Last week I Brain Freeze'd someone for 48 on turn 6-7ish? (All I remember is going off on the turn my Epochrasite came back in from chump blocking early on) This is in an unpowered cube, without super fast mana, and without any draw 7s. Storm is definitely supportable. Drafting it takes a loooot of practice though. Also, if you have Snapcaster Mage with Brain Freeze, play Snapcaster Mage first and respond with Brain Freeze while it is still on the stack for the extra storm.
• Frantic Search - Freeee. Only decent though, because it does not do much until the turn you go off. Sea Gate Oracle is by far the better turn 3 play. Still also fine for reanimator, dredge, and graveyard value so I am giving it a shot.
• Draw Spells - Yes. because you need to enough action to go off with. Really useful for going off with Dream Halls, but in my experience, not as important in a pure storm build. With those, you much prefer defensive cards that cantrip. Both versions really want the
filter spells though...just like every other blue deck. Ancestral Vision is the nut storm and more cards.
• Time Spiral - Part of my new update, I am adding it to make storm better and to replace Inkwell Leviathan as the super finisher in blue. I have only gone off with it on the powered MODO cube, but the idea should be similar...accumulate as much mana as you can -> go nuts. I expect it to be a little harder in an unpowered cube where the overall card quality is lower (and you are not untapping Tolarian Academy to make
mana), but as long you have got enough non action out of your deck, 7 new cards should win the game.
• Treachery - Free spell. Free Defense. wtf?
• Shelldock Isle - More free stuff. Also wtf?
• Dream Halls - This turbopowers storm, but is not necessary nor exclusive for storm. You can definitely draft a powerful deck merely intending to use it for playing big spells. If you want to get degenerate with it, just draft as many draw 2+ spells as possible and set up a hand where you can chain together as many draws as possible. Looting effects are essentially the same, since you will have plenty of unneeded lands to discard.
• Dark Ritual - Surprisingly not super good. Similar to Frantic Search in that it does nothing until you go off. Also, the colors get a little awkward since you are not usually black.
• Necropotence - The only(?) reason to play heavy black storm. Best draw spell ever and great synergy with Tendrils of Agony as described above (as long as there is something else in the deck to deal the rest of the damage).
• Demonic Tutor -
• Crypt Ghast + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - If you are not already heavy black it will not be as good because Crypt Ghast will just not do anything. On the other hand, doubling all your mana on every untap has got to be the dream right?
• Consuming Vapors - Free storm and also a great way to make Necropotence better.
• Young Pyromancer/Guttersnipe/Talrand, Sky Summoner - Spells matter is a great support theme (or maybe storm supports spells matter and not the other way around). Talrand, Sky Summoner might be too slow in comparison to the others, but all three are great plans Bs or can be the "build arounds" in their own decks.
• Rift Bolt/Staggershock - Free storm that is also early defense! Not as good as a defensive cantrip, but makes up for it by going to the head to make Tendrils of Agony and Empty the Warrens easier. Switching these two in for two other generic burn spells does do quite a bit towards supporting storm.
• Wheel of Fortune - Draw 7s are good? See Time Spiral though... I do not have any experience in my own cube yet.
• Green Ramp - I prefer artifact mana because it is more flexible--not only do you get to use most of them right after casting, being Ur for just action spells and defense is easier than being UGr, just to play green just for the ramp--however, green ramp is more powerful and will help you splash red/black. The chump-blocking creature ramp can also somewhat replace the defensive cantrips in red. Search for Tomorrow replacing another generic ramp spell helps because it is exactly what you want...ramp that you do not have to wait to use and feeds storm count. Utopia Sprawl as a 1 mana accelerant and the one bounceland in my cube Simic Growth Chamber work well with the blue cards that untap lands. (I do not like bouncelands they are not aggro friendly, but I have the one because a land that essentially draws a card feels very blue-green to me.) Playing green also lets you take advantage of Nostalgic Dreams and Eternal Witness.
• Rude Awakening - This is one of generic green ramp finishers of choice because it can be a ritual / free spell for storm too. Yay for less poison principle.
• Awakening Zone - A good ramp spell that works well with token/sacrifice decks. It also happens to be great for a deck that only cares to use its big mana once.
• Grand Arbiter Augustin IV - I did not have him in my last iteration, but a cost reducer is great for storm and he will definitely sees play in other decks.
• Burning-Tree Emissary - It is no Manamorphose, but is still surprisingly useful. The potential for early defense should not be overlooked.
• Fire // Ice/Electrolyze/Prophetic Bolt - Great reasons to be red. They protect you without costing cards that you will need later and can lower the storm you need for lethal. They are probably better than generic draw spells because drawing into more action spells for going off is not going to keep you alive and you do not have room to play 1 for 1 removal spells just to protect yourself.
• Goblin Electromancer This card is really sweet, and not just in a storm deck. It will generally save you more mana than a ritual provides. Unfortunately, it only discounts colorless mana so it does not work as well with artifact mana as it does with green based ramp.
• Aurelia's Fury - Hehe...playable, non-narrow storm hate.
• Tinder Wall - Exactly what storm wants. Defense and ritual all in one. I am not sure about this one though. It might not be worth the slot if other decks never want it.
• Artifact Mana - Not insane unless it produces more than just
but you will probably play as much as you can get anyway.
• Memory Jar - Again, the draw 7 is not as good in unpowered cubes; however, it still gives you tons gas for building up resources. It also goes well with Grand Architect.
• Epochrasite - The perfect early drop. It blocks, it is easy to cast before your mana is set up, and it comes back to provide free storm.
• Gitaxian Probe - The free spell. It should go in more than just storm decks. Information is very useful in a singleton/draft environment.
• Noxious Revival - It is like Vampiric Tutor for decks that can get through a large percentage of its cards (control, dredge). It gets even better in cube because we are not playing with 4ofs and reusing your most powerful cards can be game breaking. It is an even bigger deal in storm where your best cards do a ton of extra work.
Storm cards not in my cube:
• Rituals - Aside from Dark Ritual the rest are not really that attractive for non storm decks. Poison principle. Pass.
• Mirari's Wake - It is not really a green-white card and the others are already a lot better. I do not think storm will really miss this.
• Palinchron - A great degenerate card, but with out Mirari's Wake I am not sure how sought after it would be. Dreams Halls is already iffy, but at least it comes down sooner and does more fun things than just going infinite.
3/28 Edits: In case someone is randomly reading this, I'm going to be using this space temporarily to draft up a new cube blog before posting it in a new thread.
600 Cards = 3/5 of the pool per 8 person draft. No particular rhyme or reason. I like the increased variation and 600 is nice and round.
Unpowered / No Planeswalkers (except for the W/U/B transform creatures): Long ago, my cube started this way as a nod to budget considerations. While that's no longer a concern, the no planeswalkers paradigm has grown to define my cube. Designing around this stipulation and in conjunction with my other biases has led a pretty different cube format. The main takeaway here is that no planeswalkers opens up space for other repeatable value engines, and my cube has them in spades.
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