General A New Year's Resolution

Last year was a pretty awful year for Cube. Even though a plethora of playable new cards were released, COVID19 related restrictions made it nearly impossible for people to gather and draft. I would be lying if I said the larger cube community didn't make design advancements during this time period. However, very few of them were made here. While there were a few articles that posed interesting new ideas, there wasn't much information or innovation that affected the broader cube world. This was largely COVID-related. It's not like anyone really could have put any complex new ideas into motion. I really dropped the ball on creating new content. Other than a half-baked discussion about equipment and an unfinished and never released piece about reanimator, I didn't add anything new to the conversation. Now, this was largely due to my own unsureness over where I wanted to take my own designs. Instead of writing, I spent my 2020 reading theory, aggregating data, and concocting new cube design ideas. Late last year, I was finally able to figure out where I wanted to take my designs in the future. I developed several new ideas and techniques in my studies. I want to write and share what I have learned and invented.

The world has changed a lot, hopefully even for the better, in the past year. With the rollout of vaccines presenting a possible end to pandemic restrictions in the coming months, a new golden age of cube design might be upon us. My resolution for this year is to explore new design space and create new doctrine. If I haven't helped changed anyone's opinions this year, I will have failed at this. I invite all of you to join me in this journey. In 2021, write like you're running out of time!

I've had a bit of a head start. I have written in great detail about every mechanic released in 2014 and 2015, as well as the major mechanics for the subsequent sets. So if you need something to tide you over before things really get cooking, I'd recommend looking at what I have to say there.

Thank you, and let's have a great year!