Sets [ACR] Universes Beyond™: Assassin's Creed™ Previews

The first (and likely last) product to be released in 7-card "Beyond Boosters" (a worse approximation for a real booster than Beyond meat is for hamburger made from beef), Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed gets roughly 100 cards in an environment not intended either for draft or Commander precons, and join LotR as one of the only UB sets with Modern legality. The resulting designs, therefore, have few of the normal constraints one would find in a preconstructed deck or a draft set. How has this impacted their Cubeability? Let's find out!

Senu, Keen-Eyed Protector is my clear favorite so far from the set. It contributes to my ever-growing Legendaries-matter theme in white, is a totally respectable 2-power vigilant flier for 2 mana as a baseline, and has some interesting gameplay loops available to it. Even simply the ability to chump block and exile itself seems like it'll come up quite a lot. Very excited to play with this eagle.

Become Anonymous is the height of story-equity for Cube night. Sure, you can put it in your cheaty deck and include brainstorm to get a big Eldrazi out of it, but I like it as a reactive way to save your all-star from a removal spell and then get to play a shell game with your opponent. I've always loved cards like Camouflage and Illusionary Mask and now we have a Cube-friendly version of the effect!

Shay Cormac, hate bear extraordinaire. I don't run much hexproof or protection for gameplay reasons, but this still has quite a bit of utility in my Cube - 47 cards is a lot!! Use the filter "o:hexproof OR o:indestructible OR o:protection OR o:shroud OR o:ward" to see what it's like in your list, but there's quite a few effects, both permanent and temporary, that this helps you play around. I know some Cube curators don't like the tit-for-tat "I counter your countermeasure to my defensive measure" style of gameplay, but I find the drama from Shadowspear to be fun and this seems like a pretty reasonable option for Orzhov across a lot of power bands that I'll be trying out for sure.

Basim Ibn Ishaq is the last of my serious considerations at the moment, but a good one. I'm currently running Lazav, Wearer of Faces's hard to not just prefer this overall. I like drawing cards. I like getting evasion. I like the slith mechanic on a card like this. It only seems worse when next to the recently-released Psychic Frog...but I can maintain a reasonable delta between my guild sections if need be.

Ezio, Brash Novice is an incredibly clean design. I wish the level-up had slightly more payoff or he started as a 2/2 for my own Cube's sake, but I think this is a slick card for the right environment.

If you can ignore the Assassin trinket text, Haytham Kenway is a more compelling card than you may have realized at first blush. While I wish he had 4 toughness to get out of Bolt range, a +2/+2 bonus is a back-breaking lord ability that makes it worthwhile even with only a few other knights in your deck, and I think you'd all be surprised just how many high-impact knights you run (Haakon, Stromgald Scourge is coming back to my Cube in short order, I can feel it). The lord bonus makes the fact that you'll be less inclined to swing in with your Journey to Nowhere creature sting a little less. Not for every environment, but a great option I'm glad to have.

The Capitoline Triad is a neat build-around that's not hard to pull off in the right list. I normally wouldn't like emblems on a creature like this, but it's flashy and fun and makes it feel other-worldly in a way that's distinct from other big colorless gods like the Eldrazi.

If we didn't just get two incredible black 2-drops in MH3, Ezio Auditore da Firenze would be on my list. I love the threat of activation for building around it as a five-color card, and I love the stat line to help keep up with the general power escalation of creatures in my Cube. My initial issue of free running being almost wholly trinket text here is less of an issue with both the (very slight) increase to assassins that my Cube will have and the fact that, yeah, probably not running my boy Ezio at this rate.

Hunter's Bow is a sweet card. Bite spells continue to be on the cusp, and while we can get 1-mana versions of this effect at sorcery speed now, I'm reasonably interested in a two-mana version of the effect that leaves behind a buff in the form of an artifact. I just wish the artifact was a little more meaningful...sure it's cheap to equip, but ward 2 and reach are pretty marginal upgrades.

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I've tried a few versions of this effect before, but Hidden Footblade is my favorite so far. The +1/+0 and first strike makes it a much more reasonable combat trick, the addition of haste makes it a boon to a broader range of decks, and the lower equip cost makes it feel less bad to reequip. Still wish it cost just 1, though. Will consider testing!

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Compares only slightly unfavorably to Merry, Esquire of Rohan, a card I am pretty happy to run right now. As I said before, I support an increasingly-strong legends-matter theme centered in white and stretching out to all 5 colors, so this effect seems reasonably suited to my environment, but I think I needed one extra ability to make it feel good entering combat itself to get there for me. If it didn't restrict to non-token, it could be busted with all the artifact trinkets running around these days...which is certainly why that wasn't the case here! Cool card though.

Havi, the All-Father is sick. I'm pretty happy with Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second as my Naya card, but I would be pretty happy with Havi worst-case. He's generally going to be indestructible, and I love his second ability for both my artifacts theme and my legends theme.

Perhaps most importantly, this set has some of my favorite basics I've seen in a long time...ignoring their awful frame:

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I'm surprised that they got this one past their legal department.
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Staff of Eden, Vault's Key
Reanimates any legendary permanent, neat! Six mana is a lot, but on an artifact...I'm tempted here. I like how the tap ability encourages you to consider your opponent's graveyard and how very...blinkable its is. With the high volume of Legends in the typical cube these days, I think this has a ton of utility and am very bullish on it.

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Ballad of the Black Flag
Digs like crazy at a time where I've been trying to find more and more ways to support self-mill. Historic, like I said above, covers two supported archetypes in my Cube very well. Not sure if I want this all the same, as it's essentially a harder-to-cast and slower Divination that incidentally mills 7 in the ACS of the decks I'd put it in, and I'm not sure how much the chapter IV here is going to matter so late in the game.


Ecstatic Orb
For the type of set this is (no draft, no commander decks, it's basically like the March of the Machines: Aftermath mini set), there is way too much garbage in Assasin's Creed. There are a few potential gems though, plus a couple of cards I want for my Commander decks. Overall, I don't have a clue what they were aiming for with this set.
Assassin stuff looks cool for EDH.

Historic stuff looks cool for all.

Ballad is interesting for me. Digs for an Eldrazi and makes it cost less. If you ramp at all while the saga is out, you could cast a 10+ with the last chapter.

EDIT: The UB hybrid is decent even though it has assassin text.
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(a worse approximation for a real booster than Beyond meat is for hamburger made from beef)

9 out of 10 people don't realize it's plant-based meat for the patties when they don't know. So this was really unnecessarily provocant. Does maybe your subconciousness tell you, that eating meat is not justifyable in 2024?
9 out of 10 people don't realize it's plant-based meat for the patties when they don't know. So this was really unnecessarily provocant. Does maybe your subconciousness tell you, that eating meat is not justifyable in 2024?
I actually do like Beyond "meat" and would eat it more frequently were it more affordable. I just thought it was funny WotC used this since calling something the "Beyond" version is likened to the "fake" version from time to time.


I like this a lot! I (probably) won't be running it but I do enjoy this kind of silly card a lot. Would probably run Blackblade Reforged again first, though, since at a certain point, the additional points of power don't matter and the toughness absolutely does.


Ecstatic Orb
Putting all of the ™️ logos in the title of this thread is more obnoxious than all of the draft chaff they’re including in this non-draftable set.
"We know you like drafting, but also opening exciting cards, so that's why we introduced Play Boosters! However, for this set we're going to do things a bit different! You can only open these cards in boosters that you can't do anything fun with, like drafting or playing sealed, but in exchange they're full of exciting stuff! Like this... erm... next slide please. Next slide. Next slide. Thank you. LIKE THIS COOL ASSASSIN! ISN'T IT COOL?!"

Edit: I'm not usually one to mope, but I really don't understand this product. "Why?!", is all I'm asking myself when I look at half of the cards.


Maybe it's just me, but I find cards like these offensive for a product that's not meant to be drafted.
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I know that the smol packs are like that because the set itself doesn't have any commons (though, confusingly, the starter decks do), but it has lead to something that I find hilarious:

This card isn't very good - outside of EDH it's going to a french vanilla 3/1 for {1}{W} - but it's going to end up being weirdly expensive because you need 5+ copies and it's an uncommon because oops, no commons.

This whole product was just... not a good idea.
"We know you like drafting, but also opening exciting cards, so that's why we introduced Play Boosters! However, for this set we're going to do things a bit different! You can only open these cards in boosters that you can't do anything fun with, like drafting or playing sealed, but in exchange they're full of exciting stuff! Like this... erm... next slide please. Next slide. Next slide. Thank you. LIKE THIS COOL ASSASSIN! ISN'T IT COOL?!"

Edit: I'm not usually one to mope, but I really don't understand this product. "Why?!", is all I'm asking myself when I look at half of the cards.

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Maybe it's just me, but I find cards like these offensive for a product that's not meant to be drafted.
I feel like most of these cards aren't even meant to be played with– they're just supposed to be cool to look at.

I guess that's just another thing for me to complain about to my new mortal enemy, Gavin Verhey*, at CubeCon...

*(Gavin did not accept my Discord friend request, so now we have a blood fued that can only be sated through the printing of 1,000 Siege Rhinos).
In fairness, Spartan Veteran and Headsplitter are part of the intro decks, which are some of the best introductory decks I've ever seen WotC produce in 30+ years. The new cards are extremely flavorful, evocative, simple, and guide you in interesting ways in how to build around them and play them out.

New RW cards here. New UB cards here.

Check and check! I love them both dearly already.

Putting all of the ™️ logos in the title of this thread is more obnoxious than all of the draft chaff they’re including in this non-draftable set.

It's hard to find a line with this kind of stuff, so I do sincerely apologize if I went over the top it. I find that people in the broader Cube community are inclined to roll their eyes at me whenever I talk excitedly about UB cards, and I get it, because that's how I feel about some of the execution. But fundamentally, I think they're exploring compelling design space in these so as much as I share in the underlying cynicism, when I'm legitimately gleeful about something so many people hate, I probably go to far to hedge my excitement.

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I already am basically supporting white as a reanimator color at this point, why not run What Must Be Done?. I love this card. But 5 mana for both a wrath and for a (limited!) reanimation spell, is much more than I'd feel good spending in 2024, even if the wrath does hit artifacts (mini jokulhaups!!) and the reanimator does boost the creature's size.

Modal cards where the two sides serve wholly separate contexts tend to over-perform, but I'm still not sure this does it. That said, I currently have 3 wraths in white, which feels good for my 720-sized pool. I decided not to run the MKM wrath and threw in a Ravages of War instead now that they're cheaper. Maybe this is worth testing?
"We know you like drafting, but also opening exciting cards, so that's why we introduced Play Boosters! However, for this set we're going to do things a bit different! You can only open these cards in boosters that you can't do anything fun with, like drafting or playing sealed, but in exchange they're full of exciting stuff! Like this... erm... next slide please. Next slide. Next slide. Thank you. LIKE THIS COOL ASSASSIN! ISN'T IT COOL?!"

Edit: I'm not usually one to mope, but I really don't understand this product. "Why?!", is all I'm asking myself when I look at half of the cards.
You could just use two boosters to make almost one regular booster and then draft with it right? There is nothing preventing you from drafting/sealing with it...
You could just use two boosters to make almost one regular booster and then draft with it right? There is nothing preventing you from drafting/sealing with it...

Don’t know if I should Heart you or Riptide you.

1 cube pack
1 Assassin’s Creed pack
1 My Little Pony pack

Or any actual serious suggestions that could be interesting?


Ecstatic Orb
In fairness, Spartan Veteran and Headsplitter are part of the intro decks, which are some of the best introductory decks I've ever seen WotC produce in 30+ years. The new cards are extremely flavorful, evocative, simple, and guide you in interesting ways in how to build around them and play them out.

New RW cards here. New UB cards here.
Ah, I wasn't aware. I'm not as enamoured as you with the designs, but I guess you don't want these cards to be too universally appealing, because they don't appear in the boosters. I think the RW deck has some cute designs in it, but the UB deck is pretty trash.

Headsplitter is actually pretty cool. The red Barbed Spike and at least comparable to Hexgold Halberd.
Headsplitter ain't it though. It's a 2/1 for {1}{R} that leaves behind a really bad Shuko :oops: Had this given +2/+0 I would have beena lot more excited!

It's hard to find a line with this kind of stuff, so I do sincerely apologize if I went over the top it. I find that people in the broader Cube community are inclined to roll their eyes at me whenever I talk excitedly about UB cards, and I get it, because that's how I feel about some of the execution. But fundamentally, I think they're exploring compelling design space in these so as much as I share in the underlying cynicism, when I'm legitimately gleeful about something so many people hate, I probably go to far to hedge my excitement.
UB as a concept doesn’t bother me. It’s a great way to bring players in that might not otherwise be inclined to try out Magic. Plus, I think it’s fun to see how my favorite game pays homage to other franchises. To each their own, but I happily run multiple UB cards in my cube!

I already am basically supporting white as a reanimator color at this point, why not run What Must Be Done?. I love this card. But 5 mana for both a wrath and for a (limited!) reanimation spell, is much more than I'd feel good spending in 2024, even if the wrath does hit artifacts (mini jokulhaups!!) and the reanimator does boost the creature's size.

Modal cards where the two sides serve wholly separate contexts tend to over-perform, but I'm still not sure this does it. That said, I currently have 3 wraths in white, which feels good for my 720-sized pool. I decided not to run the MKM wrath and threw in a Ravages of War instead now that they're cheaper. Maybe this is worth testing?
I love the idea of What Must Be Done, but I specifically dislike that it hits artifacts, because if you play five mans wraths, you probably play artifact based mana acceleration. Especially because the card also wants you to run historic cards. Feels bad to nuke your own mana rocks. Rude design. C- :p

You could just use two boosters to make almost one regular booster and then draft with it right? There is nothing preventing you from drafting/sealing with it...
Well, the set isn't balanced at all for draft, from what I gather. There are no commons in the packs (apparently the picks I posted earlier are from introductory decks), so you'ld be missing a lot of role players.