Card/Deck Artifact Sweepers

I run Oblivion Stone. I like it more than vault because of the option to sink mana into saving your stuff and because I don't want too much removal to be exile. I also like it more than disk because it topdecks a lot better and kills walkers.

Rachet Bomb and Powder Keg are both sweet. Keg is a little more narrow in what it hits but I'm also running almost every creature land and it can shut those off in a pinch.

Engineered Explosives is interesting but I think your environment needs a lot of fixing to pull it off.
Boom Pile is one I'd like to sit down with, for 20 minutes and think about how it would actually work in all possible situations.

I feel like I'd like it more than I think I would.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Here's some
I really like engineered explosives. It has a lot of play to it and requires careful play to get the most out of it. You do need a mana base that supports it - I have vivids and tri lands. There's also other cool artifact synergy too. Eg.

4c salvager control from

I also ring disk. I like that it gives your opponent the opportunity to remove it, so let's done counterplay. I don't have many planeswalkers so it's more difficult to abuse that way.