General Battlebond 2018

And that sounds fine to me, although it would really not make much difference from picking them as a squadron pick.
I think Battlebond is looking great. I have a traditional draft cube in paper, but this seems like an opportunity to make a 2HG cube for four players. That is, it's a good option when you only have four players and a large cube might be too deep (too many archetypes open). Is anyone working on a four-player 2HG cube including (but not necessarily limited to) BBD? If this is drafted as BBD is, at 4 packs per team, that's only 120 cards at minimum (more for variance), which is tiny. What sort of design space would we have there? Would this draft better as a cube with 6 packs/team instead of 4?

I am also interested in discussion on the same question that Kirblinx brought up: what's the right way to include partners? I personally don't usually prefer packing draft boosters, but rather just shuffling and drafting the whole cube. Maybe it's just fine the way it is: for instance, EMN draft worked okay with meld cards, but mostly because Midnight Scavengers and Hanweir Garrison were very playable on their own, so you try to draft those first and perhaps get the other piece as a gift. In this case, if the two partners are both equally playable, maybe they get split too much? Or, does everyone feel that for a 2HG cube, we should be preparing draft packs? I don't think the partners are necessarily too strong when they come together, because this would be a cube designed around them, but maybe there's more variety if they don't?
I'm not sure how viable these specific partner cards are without the other half. Battlebond is designed such that the pair will always be together in a given pack and can then be snapped up at once when your team picks. Drafting strategy then kicks in as to whether you pick the pair or just one of the two and look for the wheel, which works in retail limited, but to employ this in a cube environment would require some heavy seeding and seems more tedious than anything. I think the best thing to do would just be a squadron pick deal; the drafter who picks the half that is included within the cube gets the partner pair after the main draft is completed. If there are enough designs that are powerful enough on their own, at that point it's probably fine to split them up, but I just haven't seen a particularly great or powerful standalone yet.

I've done squadrons with certain cards + lands in my cube and it's been working fine thus far, going to give buildarounds a try the next time I can fire with 8 people. It's a pretty simple concept that I find most people to be more open too once you explain to them how it works.
Squadrons for partners makes sense. It avoids the tedium of seeding, while still ensuring that you get both halves. Let's say you wanted to go ahead with this, in a BBD-style team draft, where both players draft simultaneously. Does picking the partner net both cards, but consumes both players' picks? If so, that means passing a pack with an extra card - is that good? If it only consumes one player's pick, though, that seems too strong: it's a strong pair of cards plus a free playable second pick.

Another option would be to use partner squadrons, but use grid, tenchester, smaller packs, or some other draft procedure?
Man this ‘Partner with’ mechanic is perfectly designed for my cube where you always drafts 2 cards with each pick :)

And it is even better that they do not even mention Commander!

Now I just hope they spoil some mono-colored partners but I doubt it since it would defeat the purpose.


Ecstatic Orb
Now I just hope they spoil some mono-colored partners but I doubt it since it would defeat the purpose.
I believe they already said all partners are enemy colored. There is some support for enemy color decks (Auger Spree has been spoiled, so you can definitely go there), but I believe they mainly want you to play allied color decks, so the partners end up in different decks.

Edit: Apparently red and black are allied colors in the real world (read: not my cube). Oops! :')
I believe they already said all partners are enemy colored. There is some support for enemy color decks (Auger Spree has been spoiled, so you can definitely go there), but I believe they mainly want you to play allied color decks, so the partners end up in different decks.

Onderzeeboot, I know you have a shifted wacky color wheel, but red and black are allied colors! Auger spree is an allied colored card.


Ecstatic Orb
How is your color wheel? :) Can you upload a painting with it?



Ecstatic Orb
Question! Why? In most cubes, people support the 10 2 colour combinations, is there a difference with this now? How has it changed things?
I only support the ally color pairs, but according to my colorshifted wheel. So UB and UR are supported, for example, but not WU and GU. I switched to this system for a few reasons:
1. It's novel. My cube plays differently from the other cubes existing in our playgroup.
2. I wanted to more heavily support multicolor decks, but if you support all ten pairs, you run into certain problems. It's why WotC didn't put all ten guilds in the same set in the Ravnica blocks.
3. If you support all ten color pairs, a few of the drafters will end up in a color combination that no one else plays, meaning they get to pick up all the good multicolor cards in their guild basically for free, even wheeling them. While you could argue that that's a fine reward for reading the draft and picking the right colors, I wanted a little more tension between the drafters.
4. Restricting yourself to only five supported color pairs means the fixing is way better than it is in regular cubes, simply because there's more lands per guild. This means every player should be able to pick up some fixers, provided they prioritize them.
5. I wanted to support three color cards as well. Cards like Nicol Bolas and Cruel Ultimatum are fan favorites, that really have no place in a regular cube. By supporting only five two color combinations, I can also support the three color combinations that can be formed by pairing each of the guilds with each other.
5b. To further support three color decks, I have an additional rule that you get a triland with each three color cards. So, for example, if you pick up Cruel Ultimatum, you also get a Crumbling Necropolis for free after the draft, which you may use in deck construction. This has been a tremendous good way to promote three color decks (and even the occasional four color deck).

Last but not least, I have to give credits to Jason for coming up with the idea. Obligatory link!


Ecstatic Orb
Yeah, that was a really cool article than firmly planted an idea for a cooler cube into my head :) I have changed the color wheel multiple times since then, but the idea is still living up to its potential!
Full spoiler is out now. Really impressed by how clean this set is! Presumably 2HG is fairly complex, so WotC has cleverly kept the complexity of individual cards down. Almost got a lower power cube vibe.