break-the-rules cube

- 6man draft, first draft since big revisions. way less creature types as per jason's suggestion
- naya aggro 3-0'd
- grixis tezz player was saying aggro is too good because he got killed way too fast in grand finals. i played against the 3-0 deck after the main draft and won 3 of 4 games though, it seemed fine to me
- control might still be bad? too early to tell. but it's definitely better than before! midrange and aggro still fine
- the new suntouched cycle is too good probably but at least the non-black ones are all fun despite that.

play of the day:
turn 1 faithless looting, discarding gravecrawler and geralf's messenger
turn 2 unearth messenger, play gravecrawler

3-0 deck from 3-0 thread

1-1-bye (my deck), feces jund

0-2 drop, ug ramp

0-3 rakdos gravecrawler

2-1 4c control

2-1 grixis tezzeret