Dom Harvey
Yeah idk about Ashnod. Juiced one-mana sac outlet is up my alley but I feel like there will be a lot of asking what a Powerstone token is and disappointment when I hand them one
This is a $30 Commander card in the making. Green doesn't currently have a way to blow up all artifacts and enchantments for less than 5 mana, so having a card that can do just that is a big deal.
This is a $30 Commander card in the making. Green doesn't currently have a way to blow up all artifacts and enchantments for less than 5 mana, so having a card that can do just that is a big deal.
smh wizards trying to sell more proxies![]()
Cool card, kind of like Snapcaster Mage but different and modal. I like this more than Sea Gate Stormcaller.
View attachment 7675
This card is sweet for any dedicated U/R Artifacts deck. Nice archetypal walker that can put in work, especially if you can pump it out a turn earlier off an early rock or something. I do wish it had started at 4 loyalty and ulted at -5 however to open up the line of just flooding the board with 4 thopters. Drawing cards on a +1 is nice, making flying bodies to protect itself while you branch into other plays is real solid, and this curves incredibly well off Saheeli, Sublime Artificer from WAR. You get fodder for Daretti and Welder activations as well. Also that art is just killer, I'm in love.
oh wow a french vanilla creature
Seems roughly appropriate for a double-pipped creature with flying. This is definitely not better than Fleecemane Lion and friends.