General Build Arounds - new angles to your draft

Thank you!

I first picked Twilight's Call in my cube tutor list and wound up with this dredge-y deck here:

BG/u Dredge from

I basically looked for 2 things: As many creatures as possible (19 in the final list) and ways to get them into my graveyard in huge numbers. Also tried to get a few sac outlet+etb effects in the mix.

What i didn't get her is any way to get the Call from my yard in case of milling, but with LabMan/Troll/Howler/Spawning I have at least more ways to win the game.

Guess my cube can support it. My only complain is, that Call doesn't work so nice (read: unfair) with sac outlets like Living Death, but I guess that is better actually.