General Cards that make you say "Yo!!" (i.e., cards that make you want to play a certain deck)

Hi all,

I'm in the midst of designing a cube which will be mostly custom cards. This project started because I have an aesthetic preference for cards without too much text at a medium-high power level, and Wizards seems more into printing wildly strong cards with tons of text these days. I'm really comfortable designing techy little pieces (white cantrips! 3/1s for 2 mana!), but I have a hard time pushing the power level for cards that will draw someone into a deck.

What are your favorite cards to open in pack 1 in your cube? Custom or otherwise.

For reference, here are some of mine:
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Thanks, everyone, for excellent suggestions! In looking at your posts, I think there are two broad types of cards that make me say "Yo!!":

1. Cards for which I think, "This is really powerful! I know I can make this work - now I need to figure out the manner in which I will do so":

2. Cards for which I think, "This is really powerful! How the heck will I ever make this work?":

I'm way more comfortable designing cards in category #1, although already your suggestions have spurred me on in that category. What I need is more #2s - give me your greedy, shoot-the-moon, single-card archetype favorites.

Chris Taylor

Wait, for real?


Ecstatic Orb
Wait, for real?
I just cut the Otter because it looked underwhelming, so I’m very curious if anybody seconds Train’s love for this card.

This may be a result of the card's newness, but I think it's really neat! I really like Temur spells decks, and Otter is a very interesting pull in that direction.

I forgot to list him, but I also like:
Also, second Questing Druid. But about this Temur spells deck, tell me more about it! I’m in the market for a fun secondary Temur theme besides ramp!

Chris Taylor

I ran it as a mostly playable blue 1 drop but I cut it because it's a false signal for green prowess in my cube (Prowess is suggested in Grixis)
The evasion is surprisingly relevant, though usually needs help from actual pump effects, which makes it a mite worse then I'm actually explaining.
It's OK in a vaccum, but I think the spell matter blue one drop is already better filled by Delver, pteramander and the MH3 bestow anyway.