General Casual Format: Wife Pleaser (Working Title)

Jason Waddell

Staff member
My 39-week pregnant wife brought home some packs for Pack Wars over the weekend. She likes Magic but hates deckbuilding, so most of the formats I've invented are ill-suited for her taste. When we play Pack Wars, I tend to fiddle with the mana base to smooth things out a bit.

I wanted to make a format that:
  • is pick up and play
  • small footprint (fits entirely in a 100-card deckbox, easily portable)
  • zero deckbuilding
Previously I had tried a 15-lands (5 basics, 5 shocks, 5 fetches), 20 spells Pack Wars format with cube cards, but all the fetching and shuffling was kind of a pain without bringing much fun to the table. This time around, I pared things down to a smaller manabase: 4 basics, 4 ETB-tapped dual lands. My collection of low-power lands is pretty scant, so the actual manabases look something like:

We've omitted my wife's least favorite Magic color (never managed to convert her on Gravecrawler recursion).

Decks are constructed as follows:
Shuffle your 8 lands and 12 random spells together. After mulligans are complete, add 10 random spells to the bottom of your deck.

The result is a 30-card deck where all your lands sit in the top 20 cards. You top out at 8 lands (the 10 from Battlebox (obviously influential) always felt a bit much to me ).

Design-wise, I've stuck to the following:

* no tutors: searching the deck always slowed things down, but it also ruins a bit of the mystery of a Pack-Wars esque format. Also, Karen doesn't know all the cards at a glance, so it would create some imbalance where I can parse the whole deck quickly, and she would feel bogged down by the obligation to read all the cards at once. Correspondingly:
* no milling opponents cards, no land destruction: we're capped at 8 lands, and I don't want games ending because you milled away all their mana sources. There are a couple of cards that play quite differently given the deck construction. Cards like See Beyond and Put Away force you to decide when to cast them. If you cast See Beyond on turn 2, you're reducing the chances of drawing lands on future turns.
* medium/low power threats, conditional answers: the spells are full of stinkers like Glint Hawk Idol and Terror of the Fairgrounds, as well as fun modal cards like Temur Charm and Fire // Ice.
* sprinkle in some color hate: with only 4 cards, and each player's deck being random mashups of the two, cards with monocolor Protection are actually quite fun. I don't like Protection in most cases, but here it works. Also, cards like Flashfreeze will always find their moment.
* no tokens: this one is more of a personal choice, but for something you can play at a cafe, I prefer no creature tokens. Just life totals and the odd counter or two.

Game 1 Results:

I had Karen's board locked down with a Time of Ice sitting on two Lore counters. I played Sea Gate Oracle revealing Flashfreeze and Fire // Ice. A plan brews.

I can Ice whatever she plays next turn, bouncing 3 creatures back to her hand. A tempo blowout! Then I can keep beating down with Slash Panther for the win.

Karen then removes my Imposing Sovereign, and plays a Fiend Hunter on her own Avalanche Tusker, protecting it from the bounce. If I bounce her Hunter, Tusker comes back and eats my board.

The defensive play bought her enough time to stabilize and win the game.

The format seems to be a hit at the Waddell household. Obviously it shares some design DNA with Battlebox. I do think in practice the 4-color / 8 land change is quite nice, although it's a change you could easily bring to Battlebox as well.

Do you guys have any experience / tips with pick up and play formats?


Ecstatic Orb
My 39-week pregnant wife

/me ignores rest of the post.

Congrats to you both! Best of luck in the coming months. Don't forget to treasure this time, something that's easy to forget at times when good nights are few and far between and the insecurities of fresh parenthood hit you :)

Also... slightly jealous at a wife that likes to play Magic, I have never been able to get mine interested ;)
First, congrats! Get some sleep while you can, you will not get a full night sleep in the future....

Here a format my wife and I often play, you can use your own cube for it.
* each player chooses a color which he/she will not play in the beginning.
* each player receives 2 basic lands of the four colors and an urza's cycling land of each color.
* each player receives 16 random cards.
* blindly shuffle the lands and cards to form a deck of 28 cards.
* each player receives a reserve stack of .e.g. 10 cards.
* whenever a player draws a card of the initial chosen color replace it with one of the reserve stack.

* play a few games until one player loses 2 times in a row then:
* the player who lost bans one card of the winner and receives 5 cards. The winner receives one new card to replace the banned one and both players use all their cards to make a 30 card deck. (We allowed to change lands and that you could play with your initial banned color when you make a 30 card deck. Rules were not more than 4 cycling lands and not more than two copies of a cycling land.)
* each second time you lost two times in a row your minimum deck size went up by 5. I.e., whenever you received 10 cards not in the original 26 non-lands and banned replacements not included your deck size went up by 5.

This is a self correcting format, and if you're really unlucky you just start over with new cards. Deck building is not 0 but is not a big part. Due to the influx of new cards the games feel new and refreshing each time. Banning a card prevents auto losses to certain cards if you just happen to be unable to beat it with your shallow pool.
Thanks! We'll have a cozy few days at the hospital since no visitors are allowed. Reportedly the change has been great for parents and babies alike.
Hmm, it was abit of a mix for us. My daughter was born prematurely at the start of the lockdown and not getting a lot of help from close family/friends was tough. Especially since the missus was not able to do a lot due to surgery and our daughter needed a lot of attention. However, not having the obligatory baby visits from the not so close family was a blessing. So if the only thing you will 'miss' is the baby shower than I agree it is great!


Ecstatic Orb
Hmm, it was abit of a mix for us. My daughter was born prematurely at the start of the lockdown and not getting a lot of help from close family/friends was tough. Especially since the missus was not able to do a lot due to surgery and our daughter needed a lot of attention. However, not having the obligatory baby visits from the not so close family was a blessing. So if the only thing you will 'miss' is the baby shower than I agree it is great!

Wow, a lot of babies (two is a lot, right?)! Congrats to both of you as well! Hope your wife and daughter are doing better now that it's been a few months!
My wife and i rebuilt our cube when we had our third. Best wishes to all of you!
Also, we did custom Jumpstarts made from our cube cards and enjoyed that quite a lot. Somewhat similar to your concept, but i like the “all the spells are at the bottom” clause in yours!

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hmm, it was abit of a mix for us. My daughter was born prematurely at the start of the lockdown and not getting a lot of help from close family/friends was tough. Especially since the missus was not able to do a lot due to surgery and our daughter needed a lot of attention. However, not having the obligatory baby visits from the not so close family was a blessing. So if the only thing you will 'miss' is the baby shower than I agree it is great!

I hope your whole family is doing well now. My family is on another continent and wouldn't have been visiting right after the birth anyways, but we'll see how the days after we get home go. Technically we're supposed to keep to a bubble of our household plus 5 people, which will fill up quickly.
Thanks everyone, this forum is very friendly! We are doing great, and slowly we are getting to the point where we have time to play magic again! Best of luck Jason and enjoy the time together!
Weeeeeiiiiiiiyyye congratulations Jason, Rusje and Smiths

Rusje your formats sounds a lot like how our formats starts out. I personally really enjoy the banning system because it pushes people into playing new decks which keeps the tournament fresh from start to finish.