Ecstatic Orb
But it did lead to "I give fear to all my legal targets" which is one of the best Genius/Grifter moments in Magic.
Referring to https://www.channelfireball.com/articles/the-riki-rules-profane-bluffs/
But it did lead to "I give fear to all my legal targets" which is one of the best Genius/Grifter moments in Magic.
We were talking about the changelings in Modern Horizons. Still, Chameleon Colossus's design is marred by its protection from black ability.
I disagree. White can remove Colossus, blue can bounce or steal it, red can hit it with two small burns or a sweeper. Black can't even chump block it. You'd have more of a point if Colossus was balanced around having evasion.
Yup, would have been totally fine if it had hexproof from black, permanent protection just sucks in my opinion. The only thing it has going for it, is that it can act as a natural safety valve in constructed formats, where, if, for example, blue decks are running rampant, it becomes viable to run pro blue creatures. But meh... Remember how cool Vine Mare was in M19 limited? Yeah, me neither, and protection is even worse...
I'm increasingly sad about the fact that the Modern Horizon changelings aren't good enough.
The idea of making tribal more viable in draft by giving some cards all creature types is very smart. It turns parasitic or pseudo-parasitic cards into cards that can be played by a large portion of the table. In a cube, it could turn interesting tribal picks into pay-offs and introduce competition between tribal and non-tribal decks.
But all the included changelings are weak. The best of the bunch is a Gravedigger variant because giving all creature types to the typical 3/1 draft creature isn't an actual incentive. I understand that Wizards is wary of making a card that ends up seeing play in any and all tribal decks ever created but I would have liked something I could put in my cube. After all, it's not like Modern, Legacy and Vintage are going to be affected much by a solid tribal creature. It doesn't need to be something powerful, just a versatile utility card. A Looter Changeling, for example, wouldbn't be overpowered but it could be interesting.
I also wish all Kithkins were rebels.
They almost got the design right here, but the first strike and the oversized body make it difficult to win a fight with until the midgame. My format would LOVE a reasonable hexproof from black card. This guy with no first strike or Vinemare with its abilities combined into one "Hexproof from black" line would be very interesting for me.
I agree that "Hex from X" is a good design space. Make it a little problematic, but not a game-ender because your opponent played X.
Don't get your hopes up, core sets are usually indicative of the current design mindset.Luckily I believe that the person involved in leading this core set isn't involved in the coming fall set? So maybe we'll only see "protection from color" making a brief return. It really is just such a waste of cards.
Don't get your hopes up, core sets are usually indicative of the current design mindset.
Aw, well in that case; protection is back, but also completely crazy magic designs? Thinking about Embodiment of Agonies and Glint-Horn Buccaneer
I don't know why Wizards decided to bring it back.
I filled out the survey and let them know I hate protection on permanents with a passion. Who knows, if enough people let them know, they might renege.
Damn, I forgot to mention how much prefer "hexproof from" if they want a hard to target creature.
I'm gonna check this out. Hopefully there's a way for me to upload scans, because I can't really host my cube anywhere that can't because of the custom cards.