-fo:/([^\s]+\s+){20,}/ -o:/([^\s]+\s+){10,}/
That does 20 words total text, 10 words non-reminder text. Adjust as your heart desires.
I gotta come clean. I just found that on Reddit a long time ago. I have no idea what the hell that regex bullshit says.
I can help

"\s" matches a whitespace character, and "\s+" means you're looking for one or more of those. As you can probably imagine by now, "[^\s]+" searches for one or more
non-whitespace characters. The pattern "([^\s]+\s+)" thus searches for a piece of text that's one or more non-whitespace characters followed by one or more whitespace characters. Most of the time that'll be a word followed by a space. The "{20,}" means you are looking for a minimum of 20 of those repetitions and no maximum. "fo:" means you are searching in the full Oracle text, and the minus sign before that means you are excluding all cards that match the search pattern.
Because the final word of a card's text will not be followed by a whitespace character, in practice this regex pattern finds all cards that have
20 or less words in the full Oracle text (which includes reminder text), and
10 or less words in the Oracle text (which excludes reminder text).
Note that this actually checks the Oracle text, not the printed card text! So
Ember-Fist Zubera has 20 words, not 32 (the number of words used in its Champions of Kamigawa printing, #reprintAllTheZuberaAlreadyWotC!).
Feel free to add " -is:vanilla -is:frenchvanilla -t:land" to the end of that to exclude all vanilla and French vanilla (= keyword-only) creatures and lands from the search result.
Edit: Some cool cards that became non-wordy (in the Oracle text) over time:
Concordant Crossroads went down 15 words from 19 to 4.
Breath of Life went down 16 words from 26 to 10.
Caterwauling Boggart went down 17 words from 26 to 9.
Deathgrip went down 22 words from 27 to 5.
Hurkyl's Recall went down 22 words from 31 to 9.
Sea Scryer went down 24 words from 31 to 7.
Chaoslace went down 25 words from 31 to 6.
Elvish Bard went down 25 words from 34 to 9.
Kormus Bell went down 28 words from 38 to 10.
Ashnod's Altar went down 32 words from 37 to 5.
Control Magic went down 36 words from 42 to 6.
Sage of Lat-Nam went down a whopping 46 words from 53 to 7.
And finally, can you believe that
Time Walk has the exact same wording as when it was first printed in Alpha?!