General Collecting Player Data

As fun as it is to put together wild ideas for archetypes and manabases and heuristic structures for our cubes in theory, when the cards are sleeved and you’re at the table, the only thing that really matters is whether your drafters have a good time!
Our own Grillo Parlante is an old hand at treading this balance, as you can see from his posts in the Inventor’s Fair Cube thread.
In this thread, let’s discuss different ways to discern how your players are feeling about your environment, and changes you’ve made to adapt to their preferences.

I’ll start with the Cube Handouts I’m developing for when it’s possible to have in-person drafts again. The handouts will have a brief overview of what to expect from the cube, and an after-play survey as follows:

-What was the weakest card in your pool?

-What was the strongest card in your pool?

-What was the coolest card in your pool?

-What card would you ban from the cube?

-What was your favorite play of the night?

-Anything else?
Something I found useful was including an area to track life totals, opponent name, who played first, notes and W/L. Then questionnaire at the bottom/on the back. Can use the game data somewhat or use it for discussions with players