General [Contest] 72-card Nanocube

I made the original cheating comment as a total joke, hur all this time I assumed your deck should be exactly 15 cards, but it’s the cube size that’s set (and 72). So at running Yorion requires you mess up your spells to land ratio. That’s actually funny XD
I think playing 16 is legitimately a strategy in some of the cubes posted, too - even when the extra card will often be another basic, if you specifically need X colored sources, and when running out of resources is a factor even if decking doesn't lose you the game...
Wow Maze's End is not set up for success in a Grid Draft format. I've cut it (and the gates) for another set of top end cards. Are they fun? Are they good? I dunno!
After playing with my cube ( with friends, I made a few changes.

Replaced unmask and foil for the evoke elementals of the same color, they share a similar role but also are modal as they can be played as a good value 4 mana creature, often getting a 2for1 of sorts if timed correctly.
I felt there wasn't enough reason to pick the old free cards, but the new ones can be played in multiple ways, increasing player choice.

Another change I have made is replacing brainstorm with ancestral recall (remember you do not lose to decking). This is mostly because brainstorm felt a bit stale, but I still wanted Blue to have a way to see more of their resources sooner.
Ancestral recall is one of the most broken cards in the game in most formats, but in this 15-card deck format, I feel like it has actually reasonable trade-offs to playing it, as when drawn late, it does little.
Also, targeting your opponent with it can actually be a good play! Consider being on the play, having dropped a land and passed, and your opponent doing the same. At the end of their turn, you can force them to draw three, making them discard three cards to hand size, depriving them of those resources for the rest of the game!
Gentle Reminder!

The last opportunity to apply your cube is today at 20:00 CET, which is in about 8 hours! If you have something lying around, just submit it for funsies! In a related note, I'm not sure if I'll be able to give my full feedback at that time due to the many applicants (16!). The poll will be up anyway, but my own reviews might have to wait a day or two. Sorry!
I tried to add a poll with 17 options
Currently, the max seems to be capped at 15
Hopefully there's a way to mitigate this, otherwise we'll have to find another way