Maybe it's the legacy player in me but I think JTMS is pretty fair. Compared to stuff like Show and Tell, anyway.In our cube aggro decks happend to be really good at hosing planeswalkers, so, in our environment Jace seems to be a "healthy" card
Maybe it's the legacy player in me but I think JTMS is pretty fair. Compared to stuff like Show and Tell, anyway.In our cube aggro decks happend to be really good at hosing planeswalkers, so, in our environment Jace seems to be a "healthy" card
Yeah, the feeling you and shamizy described, when a card seems to be so "good-stuffy" that it simply breakes the boundaries of being a strictly control finisher, is familiar to me.
I have already thought of trying out Debtor's Knell, but doesn't it rely too much on graveyards to be powerful enough for closing games out? Maybe, when played against a midrange deck, it can bring back some valuable cards, but what about aggro?
I've played Debtor's Knell in my cube in the past, and it's definitely not a "good-stuffy" tool. I've only ever seen it get played in slow, grindy decks, and it's actually very powerful if you can get it to stick without being too much behind on board and life.