General Cube cards - Negative Surprises

Let's create a counterpart to Ravnic's Positive Surprises thread: Which cards you expected to perform well or lead to interesting games only to find them dissapointing or game-ruining?

At first I thought this card was similar to Crater Hellion, which I was very happy about. However, I quickly realized it's much stronger and lead to brutal wipe-outs that some decks couldn't recover.

The issue is not the destruction of creatures, but the life loss enabling the potential to just lose the game to the attacking Wurm. It turns games on its head, from a losing position to a brutal "put a chump blocker per turn on the table or lose" one. Unlike Crater Hellion, which forces you to tap out, it gives you both a big guy and tempo, which I dislike. It's also more easily cheated into play and its large size, ETB effect and being black ocasionally makes it impossible to remove.

I think the quality of games against black-based control improved when this card was replaced.

I thought it might be funny, if not necessarily good, but it just made people miserable.

I tried running this and it showed up twice in packs but it just tabled because everyone who could take it couldn't wrap their heads around it. I learned the importance of readable cards that day.