General Cube Pack Wars

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Jason and I are sitting around in Belgium and we're about to boot up MTGO and play pack wars with his cube. He's writing a script that generates 5 30-carddecks for each of us, each with 15 non-land cards, and 15 fixing lands. The fixing lands are 10 duals and 5 fetches or some such thing.

Anybody got any ideas on how to improve pack wars in cube? I know the traditional way works, but we can do better.

edit: pretty sure he's going to stream it when we play.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Jason and I are sitting around in Belgium and we're about to boot up MTGO and play pack wars with his cube. He's writing a script that generates 5 30-carddecks for each of us, each with 15 non-land cards, and 15 fixing lands. The fixing lands are 10 duals and 5 fetches or some such thing.

Anybody got any ideas on how to improve pack wars in cube? I know the traditional way works, but we can do better.

edit: pretty sure he's going to stream it when we play.

I've seen variations where each player make 3 10-card decks (like pack wars) each from a 90-card sealed pool. You can sideboard whenever but if you do sideboard you retire the cards you take out.
If you lose with your deck or win with it twice you have to retire all the cards in it (including non-basic lands). You must concede if you cannot field a deck against an opponent.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Played 3 more matches of this with James and it was really fun and reasonably decision dense. Punted games galore.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Just to bump this, I've been playing some more cube pack wars with my girlfriend and this is what we're currently running: (player 2 in parentheses)

20 random non-land cards
5 basics
5 allied fetches (enemy fetches)
5 enemy shocklands (allied shocklands)

We also play that fetchlands don't do damage, because it's a pretty painful manabase already. I think 20 spells / 15 lands is about right in terms of the ratio of lands, and sequencing your land drops is still pretty fun and testing in my opinion.

After one game we either play again, or quickly remove the lands and deal out 20 more random non-lands to each player.