Dav's Cube: The Antiquities War

First of all, here's the cube on deckstats.


So what's the Antiquities War cube? It's an artifact themed cube designed to simulate Magic play back in the days of early Magic. This means less emphasis on creatures and more on spells (plus noncreature artifacts, since major artifact theme), but it also means that there isn't really an "aggro" deck in the same way we think of it in modern sensibilities. Unless you're playing the guy who got Tempered Steel & Crescendo of War, you're more likely to run into mana artifacts in the first few turns than attacking creatures. But it also means that creatureless strategies, such as burn, is a legitimate game plan.

It also drafts with one artifact land in each pack, since artifact lands can be really strong but are also fairly low-impact (and so can be difficult to prioritize), so I want them to be pretty ubiquitous. Similarly, I built this without adhering to the singleton rule from day 1, since I wanted certain artifacts to be more common than others. The colored sections, being so small, do need to be singleton, but I like having multiples of certain artifacts.

I would love some feedback for a theme cube like this, whether it's cards that would be good in a more control-heavy format or cards that would make cool interactions with artifacts. I know there's tons of cards I haven't even thought of, especially since I haven't considered the fact that nearly 50% of the cube is colorless, and I'd love to get some other feedback on it in general. Since this community seems big on theme cubes (Jason's Eldrazi cube being considered), I figure this might be a good place.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hi Dav, thanks for posting! Quick question, do you have any sample decks from your cube you can post images of? I find this really useful for understanding how a format works.

(If you have a decklist on hand, I like to make the deck in MTGO so that it's easy to see all the cards laid out and understand what's going on. e.g. http://i.imgur.com/KeHMyNO.png)

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I gotta say, this idea is brilliant. An artifact themed cube, cherry picking the greatest hits from the likes of Mirrodin, Esper, and Scars blocks, while avoiding their obvious flaws. I'm sold already. I also love how you've featured the artifact lands, leading to interesting tension between picking spells, fixing, and the powerful but non-fixing lands. This seems like it'd be a lot of fun to play.

I know you've said that aggro isn't as featured as it is in most environments, but is it possible draft something like Affinity? Or does that require gumming up the cube with too many otherwise useless 0 and 1 mana baubles? And speaking of baubles - is Trinket Mage too good? How about Master of Etherium?

Circle of Protection: Artifacts seems.. unfun. But maybe in practice it's kind of slow.

I always liked Faerie Mechanist in draft, and it seems like it might be decent here.

I think no planeswalkers is the right call, if you want to focus on an old-school feel.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Any thought into including a land like Ancient Tomb in there? It seems like one could almost build an entirely colorless deck out of those cards.