I made a shitpost elsewhere on the forums about a cube where "Legacy Delver" was the only archetype, but the more I thought about it, the more fun that cube sounded! So i've started a rough skeleton list. The basic goal is to capture as many of the MYRIAD delver (and delverless delver!) variants that have been played in Legacy (and Vintage and Modern, why not?) over the years since the little Kafka Insect Man's initial printing.
If anyone wants to post old decklists or ideas for the cube in here, please do! I plan to (eventually) proxy this whole thing up in old-border to use as an easy "travel cube" with a smaller learning curve than my wild and crazy main cube. Will probably design it as a 180-240 size cube, to mainly be grid-drafted (i am PROBABLY going to exclude white) or drafted with four players.
I made a shitpost elsewhere on the forums about a cube where "Legacy Delver" was the only archetype, but the more I thought about it, the more fun that cube sounded! So i've started a rough skeleton list. The basic goal is to capture as many of the MYRIAD delver (and delverless delver!) variants that have been played in Legacy (and Vintage and Modern, why not?) over the years since the little Kafka Insect Man's initial printing.
If anyone wants to post old decklists or ideas for the cube in here, please do! I plan to (eventually) proxy this whole thing up in old-border to use as an easy "travel cube" with a smaller learning curve than my wild and crazy main cube. Will probably design it as a 180-240 size cube, to mainly be grid-drafted (i am PROBABLY going to exclude white) or drafted with four players.