General Draft Sign-Ups: Chaos Draft

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Oooh, it's a spicy one incoming.

1. Jason Waddell
2. James Stevenson
3. Kirblinx
4. (Onderzeeboot)
5. Zoss
6. Silas
7. Dom Harvey
8. Pillow

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Yeah yeah, and I haven't started coding the chaos draft stuff. currently waiting on a long card data scrape from Gatherer.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I've subset the scryfall set to all core and expansion sets in English that are printed on MTGO, and removed a couple. Would any of the following be problematic to draft, for any reason?

> sort(unique(pref$set_name))
 [1] "Aether Revolt"             "Alara Reborn"              "Amonkhet"                  "Apocalypse"                "Avacyn Restored"           "Battle for Zendikar"      
 [7] "Betrayers of Kamigawa"     "Born of the Gods"          "Champions of Kamigawa"     "Coldsnap"                  "Conflux"                   "Core Set 2019"            
[13] "Core Set 2020"             "Core Set 2021"             "Dark Ascension"            "Darksteel"                 "Dissension"                "Dominaria"                
[19] "Dragon's Maze"             "Dragons of Tarkir"         "Eighth Edition"            "Eldritch Moon"             "Eventide"                  "Exodus"                   
[25] "Fate Reforged"             "Fifth Dawn"                "Future Sight"              "Gatecrash"                 "Guildpact"                 "Guilds of Ravnica"        
[31] "Hour of Devastation"       "Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths" "Innistrad"                 "Invasion"                  "Ixalan"                    "Journey into Nyx"         
[37] "Judgment"                  "Kaladesh"                  "Kaldheim"                  "Khans of Tarkir"           "Legions"                   "Lorwyn"                   
[43] "Magic 2010"                "Magic 2011"                "Magic 2012"                "Magic 2013"                "Magic 2014"                "Magic 2015"               
[49] "Magic Origins"             "Mercadian Masques"         "Mirage"                    "Mirrodin"                  "Mirrodin Besieged"         "Morningtide"              
[55] "Nemesis"                   "New Phyrexia"              "Ninth Edition"             "Oath of the Gatewatch"     "Odyssey"                   "Onslaught"                
[61] "Planar Chaos"              "Planeshift"                "Prophecy"                  "Ravnica Allegiance"        "Ravnica: City of Guilds"   "Return to Ravnica"        
[67] "Rise of the Eldrazi"       "Rivals of Ixalan"          "Saviors of Kamigawa"       "Scars of Mirrodin"         "Scourge"                   "Seventh Edition"          
[73] "Shadowmoor"                "Shadows over Innistrad"    "Shards of Alara"           "Stronghold"                "Tempest"                   "Tenth Edition"            
[79] "Theros"                    "Theros Beyond Death"       "Throne of Eldraine"        "Time Spiral"               "Time Spiral Timeshifted"   "Torment"                  
[85] "Urza's Destiny"            "Urza's Legacy"             "Urza's Saga"               "Visions"                   "War of the Spark"          "Weatherlight"             
[91] "Worldwake"                 "Zendikar"                  "Zendikar Rising"


Ecstatic Orb
I would personally remove the following from that list:
  • Seventh Edition
  • Eight Edition
  • Ninth Edition
  • Tenth Edition
  • Time Spiral Timeshifted
The core sets pre M10 aren't that interesting, honestly, and definitely not what I want to be opening when doing a chaos draft.
Time Spiral Timeshifted isn't an actual set.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
8p Rectangle Draft

Sets: Aether Revolt, Born of the Gods, Ixalan, Nemesis, Coldsnap

Sets: Ninth Edition, Alara Reborn, War of the Spark, Exodus, Mirrodin

Sets: Betrayers of Kamigawa, Khans of Tarkir, Fate Reforged, Guilds of Ravnica, Core Set 2021

Sets: Prophecy, Scars of Mirrodin, Morningtide, Worldwake, Magic 2011

Sets: Dragon's Maze, Tenth Edition, Stronghold, Theros Beyond Death, Battle for Zendikar

Sets: Urza's Destiny, Zendikar, Shadows over Innistrad, Fifth Dawn, Theros

Sets: Eventide, Mercadian Masques, Planar Chaos, Magic 2015, Magic 2012

Sets: Dissension, Weatherlight, Ravnica Allegiance, Saviors of Kamigawa, Eighth Edition


Jason Waddell

Staff member
I audibly guffawed when I opened this one:

Sets: Rise of the Eldrazi, Fate Reforged, Worldwake, Theros Beyond Death, Magic Origins

Hello, I'm a friend of James and still a bit of a beginner at MTG (though I have a few drafts under my belt).

I'd love to join if you've got a spare spot
Jason just told me too! Thanks for the heads-up, though--somehow I always forget that that board exists, even when I keep signing up for these things.