General Draft Tracker tool

I have a problem. On top of cubing, and drafting, I love information and data.

As some of you may be aware, MTGO saves a draft log of drafts you do, and there is a website, that converts that file into nice html that shows you images of your picks.

My cube is filled with vary varying skill levels, so I have over a few months figured out a way to replicate this draft log, compile the data, and on my blog, post a draft replay of each draft, complete with a comment box for commentary on the draft.
( for a refrence on what the finished product looks like.)

Basically, I have the drafters keep their picks in order, then while they are doing the utility land draft, I scoop up the piles, take quick pictures and return them. At lesiure I enter them into a spreadsheet.

Is there interest in this tool? I can clean up the spreadsheet, make it presentable for others if there is.


This seems cool. Is it necessary to track every booster prior to the draft and enter those as well? Seems like the only way to get the output that you're getting.

I'm interested, but this does also seem like quite a bit of work.
No, the way the spreadsheet is setup, when I enter the picks, and the order, it is able to reconsctruct the original packs.
My P1P1 obviously comes from the pack I opened, the player to the left, his P1P2 came from that same pack, ect.

Now, I do usually "sample" an d record a few random packs ahead of time, so I can double check the results, but not all by any means